Press Room
Use these materials to generate media coverage about physical activity in newspapers, magazines, and other publications.
Background Material
National, Multicultural Campaign Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Among Tweens (pdf 99K). Provides facts on why the "VERB. It's What You Do." campaign is needed and a description of the campaign's efforts.
Multicultural Outreach Fact Sheet (pdf 140K). Provides statistics on the rise of obesity in different ethnic groups.
VERB Newsletter Archive: The Latest Word
For Parents and Adults
Child & Parent Survey Explores Relationship between Economic Status and Physical Activity Opportunities (pdf 498K). Read the MMWR Advisory that presents a direct correlation between parents’ income and their children’s physical activity participation has been established based upon the survey conducted by the CDC.
Parents Can Help Shape Up Their Child’s Physical Education (pdf 498K). Now is the time for parents to become involved in their children’s health at school. Parents and other influencers can learn how to become advocates of physical education in their schools.
Ponte Las Pilas. (Get Active) Getting Active Tip Sheet (pdf 78K). Provides suggestions to get children moving, including activities families can do together. Also available in Spanish (pdf 84K).
Actively Creating Active Children (pdf 498K). VERB spokesperson, Dr. Janet Collins, gives her “common sense” recommendations about how children can become physically active.
Parents Can Lead the Way to Become More Active Families (pdf 498K). VERB encourages families to work together to get physically active. Parents can learn how to incorporate physical activity into the family’s daily routine.
Parents Can Make a Game Plan to Get Children Moving (pdf 498K). This step-by-step guide gives parents suggestions for how to create a healthy physical activity plan for their children.
Pointers for Parents – Take Time to Keep Your Children Active (pdf 498K). Parents are always looking for new activities for their children. These tips offer alternatives to movies and video games to keep their children active. Download this camera-ready file, which includes both an article and photograph.
Parents Can Play Vital Role in Encouraging Children’s Active, Healthy Lifestyles (pdf 115K). Find out ways parents can combat physical inactivity by encouraging children to find their own VERB.
Going Behind the Screens (pdf 149K). . Find tips to help parents limit their children’s screen time and turn watchers into doers. Also available in html.
Parents Get in the Game (pdf 122K). See how parents can play an active role in their children’s long-term health by making physical activity fun.
Remote Control Alternatives: Ways to Inspire, Lead and Get Active (pdf 100K). Looking to lead and inspire youth? Get active by following these creative remote control alternatives.
Health Alert: Lifestyle Can Prevent or Delay Diabetes in Children (pdf 96K). Explains that certain Asian American groups have high rates of diabetes and suggests increasing physical activity. Also available in Chinese (pdf 767K), Korean (pdf 1.2MB, and Vietnamese (pdf 114K).
Listening To The CDC: Who Are They, What Do They Do And What’s Verb. Ponte Las Pilas Got To Do With It? (pdf 498K). Gives an introduction to the CDC and presents statistics about obesity among Hispanic/Latino youth. Content includes discussion of diabetes and balancing sedentary behaviors, such as watching TV, with regular physical activity. Also available in Spanish (pdf 498K).
Parents, Get Your Children Moving! (pdf 47K). Content includes both a statement of the youth obesity epidemic and suggests ways that parents can encourage their children to be physically active.
Battling Childhood Obesity: The Difference Between Your Child’s Good Health and Unhealthy Body Weight (pdf 47K). Educates the reader about the difference between their children being healthy and the perception that having enough to eat is healthy. The backgrounder includes statistics about obesity and ways to incorporate physical activity into a child’s daily routine. Also available in Spanish (pdf 47K).
Teamwork. Discipline. Confidence. Fun: How Organized Activities Benefit Your Children (pdf 47K). Physical activity for children has positive effects in addition to the health benefits. Children learn essential skills like teamwork and discipline, and physical activity often enhances a child’s self-esteem as they recognize their own accomplishments and talents. Also available in Spanish (pdf 47K).
For Educators
Schools In Motion (pdf 498K). Read about how teachers are creative with physical activities added to their classroom lesson plans.Physical Education Teachers are Inventing New Ways to Increase Physical Activity Among Children (pdf 498K). Learn about the newest activities coming from classrooms across the country! Teachers are adding innovative physical activities to their lesson plans in an effort to help children get active. In addition, VERB partners with organizations to help teachers add more physical activities to their lesson plans.
For Tweens
Keep Active Without Keeping Score (pdf 108K). Break all the rules by getting active with whomever, whenever and wherever!Pick A VERB, Any VERB (pdf 82K). Find your personal style by exploring new activities and uncovering new talents. Choose from more than 1,000 different VERBs!
Tweens Drop the Remote to Get Active (pdf 240K). Get active by turning unexciting activities into fun, physical activities with help from these “boredom buster” tips.
For the Media: Articles for Placement
The Benefits of Physical Activity
(pdf 600K, html).
Also available in:
(pdf 640K)
(pdf 2.4MB)
(pdf 640K)
Decreasing Screen Time
(pdf 550K,
Also available in:
Chinese Version
(pdf 470K)
Korean Version
(pdf 5.4MB)
Vietnamese Version
(pdf 540K)
Obesity in Asian
American and Pacific Islander Youth (pdf 250K,
Also available in:
(pdf 200K)
(pdf 500K)
(pdf 700K)
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- Page last reviewed: August 1, 2007 Historical Document
- Page last updated: October 1, 2007
- Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health
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