Exploratory Formative Research
Inspiring Children’s Physical Activity: Exploratory Research with Parents (PDF 500K). This research helped understand factors that would influence parents to encourage their child’s participation in physical activity and evaluate a range of concepts for promoting physical activity. The report summarizes the results of focus groups and in-home interviews conducted with mothers of 9- to 13-year-olds in 2003.
Life’s First Great Crossroad (PDF 400K). Summarizes findings about the lives of today’s tweens, including the choices they make and how friends, family, and media help shape their behavior.
Message Strategy Research to Support Development of the Youth Media Campaign (PDF 1.3MB). Presents insights — from interviews and focus groups with tweens, parents, other tween influencers, and industry professionals — that helped guide the development of messages for the Youth Media Campaign.
Review of Literature to Support Development of the Youth Media Campaign (PDF 460K). Compiles information on tweens and topics relevant to development of the Youth Media Campaign.
Youth Media Campaign Summary of Interviews Regarding Kids with Disabilities (PDF 165K). Summarizes interviews conducted to learn most effective ways of including kids with disabilities in concept and message testing and in future campaign messages and events. Interviews, conducted from July through August 2002, were with individuals who have developed messages for people with disabilities or who are from organizations that promote physical activity among people with disabilities.
Brand Development Formative Research
Executive Summary of the General Market Formative Research to Support Brand Development for the Youth Media Campaign (PDF 66K). Summarizes findings of 25 in-home interviews conducted with tweens and their parents and influencers to better understand the motivations, images, and language that connect with both tweens and their families.
Executive Summary of the African American Formative Immersion Research to Support Brand Development for the Youth Media Campaign (PDF 105K). Summarizes findings of focus groups conducted with tweens and parents of predominantly minority-populated urban areas to better understand the African American audience segment of the Youth Media Campaign.
Executive Summary of the American Indian Formative Immersion Research to Support Brand Development for the Youth Media Campaign (PDF 21K). Summarizes findings of in-depth interviews conducted with American Indian tweens, parents, and influencers living in rural and urban environments to better understand this audience segment of the Youth Media Campaign.
Executive Summary of the Asian American Formative Immersion Research to Support Brand Development for the Youth Media Campaign (PDF 97K). Summarizes findings of focus groups conducted with tweens and parents to better understand the Asian American audience segment of the Youth Media Campaign.
Executive Summary of the Hispanic/Latino Formative Immersion Research to Support Brand Development for the Youth Media Campaign (PDF 71K). Summarizes findings of in-depth interviews with low-income Hispanics/Latinos who are mostly Spanish language-dominant; migrant families and new immigrants were included. Research was conducted to better understand the Hispanic/Latino audience segment of the Youth Media Campaign.
Concept & Message Testing Formative Research
VERB’s Formative Research Process (PDF 150K). This document describes the VERB campaign's concept and message testing qualitative methodology. It contains sample screening questionnaires and moderator guides.
Lessons Learned from VERB™: Findings for General Market Tweens and their Parents (PDF 305K). This report presents recurrent themes and recommendations based on three years of concept and message testing among general market tweens and parents.
Synthesis of Learning across 3 Years of Concept and Message Testing among African American Tweens and Parents (PDF 145K). This report presents recurrent themes and recommendations based on three years of concept and message testing among African American tweens and parents.
Synthesis of Learning across 3 Years of Concept and Message Testing among American Indian Tweens and Parents (PDF 145K). This report presents recurrent themes and recommendations based on three years of concept and message testing among American Indian tweens and parents.
Synthesis of Learning across 3 Years of Concept and Message Testing among Asian American Tweens and Parents (PDF 145K). This report presents recurrent themes and recommendations based on three years of concept and message testing among Asian American tweens and parents.
Synthesis of Learning across 3 Years of Concept and Message Testing among Hispanic/Latino Tweens and Parents (PDF 145K). This report presents recurrent themes and recommendations based on three years of concept and message testing among Hispanic/Latino tweens and parents.
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- Page last reviewed: August 1, 2007 Historical Document
- Page last updated: October 24, 2008
- Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health
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