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Zika Active Pregnancy Surveillance System (ZAPSS)/Sistema de Vigilancia Activa de Zika en Embarazos (SVAZE)


The Puerto Rico Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have developed a surveillance system called Zika Active Pregnancy Surveillance System (ZAPSS)/Sistema de Vigilancia Activa de Zika en Embarazos (SVAZE). The surveillance system will be used to evaluate the association between Zika virus infection during pregnancy and adverse outcomes during pregnancy, birth, and early childhood up to 3 years old. Pregnant women in Puerto Rico with laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection (positive or inconclusive test results, regardless of whether they have symptoms) and prenatally or perinatally exposed infants born to these women will be actively monitored. This information will be used to inform best practices in care for women infected with Zika virus during pregnancy and their infants.

Where to get more information

For general information, go to CDC’s Zika webpage for pregnant women. For clinical inquiries only, please e-mail

To notify the Puerto Rico Department of Health Birth Defects Surveillance and Prevention System’s staff of any pregnancy outcomes among Zika positive pregnant women, please call: (787) 765-2929 ext. 4571, or 4572.