Testing and Counseling for PMTCT Support Tools
"Protect Yourself, Your Baby and Your Family from HIV/AIDS"
The Testing and Counseling for PMTCT Support Tools were developed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Global HIV/AIDS, in collaboration with the Department of HIV/AIDS at the World Health Organization, United Nations Children's Fund and United States Agency for International Development and their implementing partners.
The goal of the TC for PMTCT Support Tools is to facilitate the efficient delivery of essential PMTCT messages to:
- Improve the uptake of HIV testing among pregnant women and their partners
- Increase the number of women who know their HIV status
- Promote and provide appropriate PMTCT interventions
The Support Tools respond to a need in resource-constrained settings for educational materials, job aids, and training resources to support the integration of testing and counselling (TC) into antenatal care (ANC), labour and delivery (L&D) and post-delivery (PD) settings. They promote provider-initiated, opt-out HIV testing with rapid tests and same day results, the provision of TC services on first contact between the client and the healthcare worker, and the use of group pre-test sessions to optimise resources. The Support Tools were developed as a resource for:
- PMTCT healthcare workers--clinical (nurses, midwives, doctors) and non-clinical (HIV counsellors, peer or lay counsellors, and outreach workers)
- PMTCT programme managers
- PMTCT trainers
For More Information and to download electronic versions of these materials, go to: http://www.womenchildrenhiv.org/wchiv?page=vc-10-00
To order free hard copies of these materials, go to: http://wwwn.cdc.gov/pubs/gap.aspx
Any other questions? : HIV-PMTCT-GAP@cdc.gov
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