Health Information Systems
CDC is assisting countries in developing well-functioning health information systems. Such systems ensure the production, analysis, dissemination and use of reliable, timely information on health determinants, health system performance, and health status.
Recognizing that high-quality data are essential to HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs, CDC:
- Supports efforts to improve national health information systems.
- Helps to identify and promote the use of global standards in health information systems to ensure consistent indicators to enable sharing across systems, and to ensure that data are protected.
- Promotes the use of quality data for decision-making through scientific and methodologically sound evaluations and assessments of health information systems.
Notable Accomplishments
- CDC has supported the implementation of paper-based and computerized reporting systems for: pediatric and adult antiretroviral treatment (ART) patient monitoring, HIV surveillance, ART drug resistance monitoring, electronic medical records (EMR) systems, laboratory information systems, pharmacy systems, prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) and voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) program monitoring, national-level impact and program indicators, community-based systems, information and communications infrastructure (ICT), logistics and supply chain management systems, and human resource tracking.
- In conjunction with WHO and UNAIDS, CDC has developed: standardized definitions for data that support ART, HIV/TB, maternal child health, PMTCT, and other clinical care; open source tools for the implementation of electronic patient record and other systems; security and confidentiality guidance for HIV/AIDS data; and guidance on unique identification and matching of patient records across disparate information systems.
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