2016 in Review: Global Health Protection and Security in Action

Disease detectives investigating the sources of water following a cholera outbreak in Tanzania.
Updates from the Field: Winter 2017, Issue 24
"The health and safety of Americans is inextricably linked to the health and safety of the world. We must make sure every nation is able to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats where they occur."
— Rebecca Martin, PhD
Director, Center for Global Health
Director's Message
Enhancing Disease Detection and Outbreak Response
- Global Rapid Response Team (Global RRT): Enhancing CDC's Global Emergency Response Capacity
- CDC Establishes Command Center In Response to Hurricane Matthew
- GDD Operations Center: Detecting and Monitoring Health Threats Across the Globe 24/7
- Global Response Preparedness Work in Jordan
- Enhanced Ebola Detection and Response in Guinea and Liberia
- Leveraging Resources and Program Expertise to Respond to Zika
Advancing Public Health Capacities Globally
- Field Epidemiology Training Program: Building Workforce Capabilities on the Frontline of Surveillance
- Improving Public Health Management for Successful Public Health Action
- Joint External Evaluation
- Strengthening National Public Health Institutes Globally
Building Sustainable Partnerships
- CDC and WHO Launch New Global Heart Initiative to Strengthen CVD Prevention
- Bloomberg Data for Health Initiative: Making Strides in NCD Mobile Phone Survey Platforms
- Central America and the Caribbean Region's United Front to Fight Zika is a Winning Formula
- CDC Global Health Security Agenda and Ebola Preparedness Grantee Meeting
- Science, Policy, Applied Research and Evaluation and Communication: An Integrated Approach
"Not only is it the right thing to do, but the relationships and systems we build during emergencies can help protect us all in the future."
— RADM Jordan W. Tappero, MD, MPH
Senior Global Health Advisor, CGH
- Page last reviewed: March 31, 2017
- Page last updated: March 31, 2017
- Content source: