FETP International Night: Award Recipients

2017 International Night Poster Presenters.
Each year, at the Epidemic Intelligence (EIS) Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, CDC’s Workforce and Institute Development Branch partners with the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET) to co-host FETP International Nights. International Nights showcases the work FETPs are doing around the world and includes scientific poster presentations, oral presentations, and an awards ceremony.
All residents and graduates of field-based training programs in applied epidemiology and public health practice from around the world are invited to submit scientific abstracts. Abstracts cover investigations or projects undertaken during training and completed within the past two years. They describe outbreak investigations, implementation and evaluation of public health programs or surveillance activities, and other areas of applied epidemiology or public health practice.
FETP International Night Abstract Selection Process

CDC’s Kip Baggett and TEPHINET’s Carl Reddy congratulate poster presenters at FETP International Night
All abstracts submitted for International Night undergo a peer review process designed to rank the abstracts by quality, appropriateness, and the public health importance of the epidemiologic investigation. They are reviewed by experienced epidemiologists who are familiar with international public health issues. These reviewers may be directors or graduates of existing FETP programs or epidemiologists from US CDC international programs. Each abstract is reviewed by three reviewers, who complete a standardized scoresheet and may make provide comments for the author. Six abstracts are accepted for oral presentation and the remaining 21 are accepted for poster presentations.
Award Recipients
2017 Award Recipients
Director’s Award for Excellence in Epidemiology and Public Health Response
Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, Field Epidemiology Track
Jeffrey P. Koplan Award for Excellence in Scientific Poster Presentation
Hamufare Maguri, Zimbabwe
Hospital-Affected Neonatal Sepsis Outbreak in an Intensive Care Unit, Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, Zimbabwe, 2016
William H. Foege Award for Best Scientific Oral Presentation
Rajesh Sahu, India
Outbreak Investigation of Acute Diarrheal Disease during a Religious Festival Associated with Drinking Contaminated Pipeline Water, Radhakund, Uttar Pradeshy, India, November 2016
Photos of 2017 Award Winners
Director’s Award
Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, Field Epidemiology Track

Dr. Alex Opio accepts the Director’s Award for the Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, Field Epidemiology Track.
Jeffrey P. Koplan Award
Hamufare Maguri

Hamufare Maguri of Zimbabwe accepts the 2017 Jeffrey P. Koplan Award.
William H. Foege Award
Rajesh Sahu

Rajesh Sahu of India accepts the 2017 William H. Foege Award.
2016 Award Recipients
Director’s Award for Excellence in Epidemiology and Public Health Response
Pakistan Field Epidemiology Laboratory Training Program
Jeffrey P. Koplan Award for Excellence in Scientific Poster Presentation
Christine Kihembo, Uganda
Risk Factors for Podoconiosis: Kamwenge District, Western Uganda, 2015
William H. Foege Award for Best Scientific Oral Presentation
Priyakanta Niyak, India
Outbreak Investigation of Cutaneous Anthrax in Koraput, Odisha, India, 2015
Photos of 2016 Award Winners
Director’s Award
Pakistan Field Epidemiology Laboratory Training Program

2015 Award Recipients
Director’s Award for Excellence in Epidemiology and Public Health Response
Nigerian Field Epidemiology Laboratory Training Program
Jeffrey P. Koplan Award for Excellence in Scientific Poster Presentation
Lai Xuehui, China
Case Control Study of Risk Factors of Avain Influenza A (H7N9) Transmission in Live Poultry Markets, Zhejiang Province, China 2015
William H. Foege Award for Best Scientific Oral Presentation
Dr. Takura Matare, Zimbabwe
Factors Associated with First-Line Humane Immunodeficiency Virus Treatments Failure in Zvishavanae District, Midlands Province in Zimbabwe, 2014
Photo Contest: Capturing the Impact of CDC’s Work Through Photos
First Place:
Mohammed Ba Saleh, Yemen

Veterinarian Hasan Alkaf, takes samples from a camel during the first reported Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) case in Haramout, Yemen in April 2014. Investigation was led by Yemen FETP residents.
Second Place:
Rana Asghar, Pakistan

Pakistan FELTP resident Dr. Najma Javed checks for a Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine scar on the shoulder of a young child. The BCG vaccine protects children against tuberculosis.
Third Place:
Mariam Florence Ogo, Nigeria

In April 2014, Nigeria FELTP resident Dr. Mariam Florence Ogo examines a 12-year-old child affected by polio during a supportive supervision visit at an underserved mobile settlement in Manjekin, Adamawa, Nigeria.
2014 Award Recipients
Jeffrey P. Koplan Award for Excellence in Scientific Poster Presentation
Woubayehu Kassa, Ethiopia
Dengue Fever Outbreak, Diredewa, Ethiopia, November, 2013
William H. Foege Award for Best Scientific Oral Presentation
Mr. Donewell Bangure, Zimbabwe
Effectiveness of Short Message Services Reminder on Childhood Immunization
Programme in Kadoma, Zimbabwe—A Randomized Control Trial, 2013
Photo Contest: Capturing the Impact of CDC’s Work Through Photos
First Place:
Muhammad Bilal Khan, Pakistan

FETP Pakistan graduates Dr. Furgan and Dr. Muhammad Bilal Khan try to collect another water sample from a second source of community drinking water in the Punjab province in Pakistan.
Second Place:
Adam Hassan Haji, Kenya

Children in Dadaab Town in North Eastern Kenya show their marked fingers after being vaccinated against polio during the in-process monitoring following the wild type poliovirus outbreak in May 2013.
Third Place:
Ed Maes, Georgia

Maka Kokhreidze (SC/FELTP 2011; Georgia Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture) prepares samples following the discovery of a novel orthopox virus in a shepherd in Tianeti, Georgia, September 2013.
2013 Award Recipients
2013 Poster Presentation Award
Liangliang Cui, People’s Republic of China
Investigation on an Outbreak of Cutaneous Anthrax Attributed to Butchering a Sick Cow in Jiangsu Province, China, 2012
William H. Foege Award for Best Scientific Oral Presentation
M. Wang, People’s Republic of China
Mumps attenuated live vaccine effectiveness: 1:1 matched case-control study—Zhongshan, China, 2011-2012
Photo Contest: Capturing the Impact of CDC’s Work Through Photos
First Place:
Kayla Laserson, India

India EIS Officer conducting an immunization coverage survey in Alwar District, Rajasthan, India, October 2012.
Second Place:
Joseph Kibachio, Kenya

Zero rating taxes on motorbikes by the Kenyan government is a policy shift with public health implications. The rates of motorcycle injuries have sky rocketed with hospitals opening special wings to deal with motorcycle injuries. Taken during an FETP study of the rising rates of obesity and related non-communicable diseases. Nyeri, Kenya, August 2012.
Third Place:
Steve Wiersma, Tanzania

Tanzania FELTP resident Dr. Prosper Njau collecting a blood sample from a suspected brucellosis case in Kiteto District, Tanzania. An outbreak of brucellosis in humans was reported from the district in May 2012. It was found that slaughterhouse workers were more affected.
2012 Award Recipients
2012 Poster Presentation Award
Dr. Rhossy Espinosa, El Salvador
Foodborne Outbreak Among Inmates in Six Prison Facilities — Eastern El Salvador, June 2010
William H. Foege Award for Best Scientific Oral Presentation
Dr. Luka Ibrahim, Nigeria
Factors Associated with Interruption of Treatment among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Plateau State – Nigeria, 2011
Photo Contest: Capturing the Impact of CDC’s Work Through Photos
First Place:
Remidius Kakulu, Tanzania

Vitamin A supplementation in response to detecting malnutrition as a risk factor for measles. Action was taken to provide vitamin A to all children in the district. Monduli District, Tanzania, August 2011.
Second Place (tie):
Friskila Damaris Silitonga, Indonesia

A team from the district health office and police respond to a diphtheria outbreak at a junior high school in Bondowoso District, East Java, Indonesia in June 2011. 37.9% of children at the school were suffering from diphtheria.
Second Place (tie):
Rowena Capistrano, Philippines

FETP investigator with local health workers providing jerry cans and oral rehydration solution in cholera outbreak affected villages. The outbreak investigation was conducted from April 7 to April 20, 2011. Bataraza, Palawan, Philippines, April 2011.
Third Place:
Elaine Joy C. Villareal, Philippines

An entomologist examining whether an adult mosquito was caught amidst a sea of clothes. Photo taken during an entomologic survey conducted during a Chikungunya virus fever outbreak. Davao City, Philippines, October 2011.
To see additional presenters and award recipients, click here.
- Page last reviewed: July 17, 2017
- Page last updated: July 17, 2017
- Content source: