Noncommunicable Diseases: Stories & Blogs

Children looking at a mural that shows how to wear a motorcycle helmet correctly.
Learn more about NCD work and accomplishments through our stories and blogs.
NCD Overview
Accelerating an Integrated Approach to NCD Prevention and Control Globally
Dr. Samira Asma, Chief of CDC's Global NCD Program, shares her experience and CDC's efforts to help partners implement proven prevention and treatment strategies and measure their impact
Posted July 20, 2015
CDC partners with Bloomberg Philanthropies to strengthen public health data collection in developing countries
Dr. Samira Asma discusses CDC's work with Bloomberg Philanthropies on the Data for Health initiative.
Posted March 22, 2015
Cost of Cancer Registration in Limited Resource Settings
With an estimated 14.1 million new cancer cases, 8.2 million deaths, and 32.5 million cancer survivors worldwide in 2012, cancer is a leading cause of illness and early death. More than 50% of the world’s cancer cases and 65% of cancer deaths occur in limited-resource settings...
Posted February 2, 2017
The Stakes are High, the Goal the Same – Overcome Cancer
The 5-year survival for the same type of cancer ranges from 34% in Mongolia to 54% in Columbia. In some places we do not know the survival rate because there are no cancer registries.
Posted February 2, 2017
The Global Challenge of Cancer
Learn about CDC's work with the Office of International Cancer Control (OICC) around the world.
Posted February 2, 2016
World Cancer Day
In recognition of World Cancer Day (February 2nd) learn what CDC is doing along with its partners to prevent and control cancer around the world.
Posted February 2, 2016
Cardiovascular Health
Hypertension Control in Barbados: Building a System to Fight the “Silent Killer”
Against this tropical backdrop, Barbadians share some of the same health concerns as other people from around the world, such as high rates of hypertension—more commonly known as high blood pressure.
Posted December 12, 2016
Integrating HIV and hypertension management to improve lives in Malawi
To address this issue, the CDC and national partners are pioneering the integration of public health programs that address risk factors for NCDs along with existing efforts to fight HIV and TB. In Malawi, this coordinated approach not only addresses the increased risk of NCDs among people living with HIV (PLHIV), but also stretches every public health dollar...
Posted December 6, 2016
CDC Spotlights Stroke Prevention for World Stroke Day
The number of people affected by stroke worldwide has gone up significantly in the past 20 years. The number continues to increase in part due to an aging population. Stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide...
Posted October 28, 2016
Enhancing HIV Care Delivery Systems to Address Noncommunicable Diseases
HIV treatment programs are already in place across Africa, and we can use these programs to bring high blood pressure screening and treatment to more people who need it.
Posted October 28, 2015
New Global Initiative Has the Power to Shake Up Cardiovascular Health
This World Heart Day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are excited to share their efforts to reduce the global burden of heart-related diseases through the new Global Hearts Initiative.
Posted September 29, 2016
Transforming Hypertension Treatment in Barbados
The people of Barbados struggle with a high burden of hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. As a native, I was excited to be a Principal Investigator (PI) on a pilot project to improve hypertension control at two local polyclinics in Barbados.
Posted September 29, 2016
CDC’s Response for Global Hypertension Control High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, has become a global crisis
Learn about Million Hearts, the Global Standardized Hypertension Treatment Project, and other efforts to treat hypertension across the globe.
Posted May 15, 2015
Insight for Indonesia: CDC Director Mentors Disease Detective from Across the World
Late at night in Indonesia, FETP resident Nyoman Purnawan spoke with CDC Director Tom Frieden, in one of a series of one-on-one conversations with the director designed to provide mentorship to FETP residents around the world.
Posted October 14, 2015
My journey into Global Health: Dr. Pragna Patel
Dr. Pragna Patel describes her experiences working in global health for CDC on HIV and NCDs and her focus on the Global Standardized Hypertension Treatment Project.
Posted February 23, 2015
CDC Recognizes Women and Stroke for World Stroke Day
In recognition of World Stroke Day (October 29th), CDC recognizes the risk women face from strokes through facts and a personal story.
Posted October 25, 2015
World Heart Day
Mark your calendar for the World Heart Federation's recognition of World Heart Day and learn about improving heart health.
Posted September 29, 2014
World Diabetes Day
In recognition of World Diabetes Day (November 14th), learn how to live a longer, healthier life.
Posted November 14, 2015
World No Tobacco Day - Tobacco Surveillance in Barangay Looc, Province of Zambales, Philippines;
In recognition of World No Tobacco Day (May 27th) learn about CDC's Global Tobacco Control Branch (GTCB) efforts to understand the burden of tobacco use around the world.
Posted May 27, 2016
Reflections on GTCB’s Worldwide Impact China’s Adult Tobacco Survey Captures a Comprehensive View of Tobacco Use in 14 Cities
China CDC worked with its partners, including the U.S. CDC, to collect a comprehensive view of adult tobacco use in 14 cities whose populations total nearly 53 million people.
Posted August 18, 2015
If We Can Measure It, We Can Manage It: Tracking the Global Tobacco Epidemic
The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) Atlas tracks tobacco surveillance and presents data in a user-friendly way. Learn about the ways this data helps to help decision-makers and public health professionals.
Posted May 29, 2015
- Page last reviewed: February 21, 2017
- Page last updated: February 21, 2017
- Content source: