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Andersen RE, Franckowiak SC, Snyder J, Bartlett SJ, Fontaine KR. Can inexpensive signs encourage the use of stairs? Results from a community intervention. Annals of Internal Medicine 1998;129(5):363–369.

Blamey A, Mutrie N, Aitchison T. Health promotion by encouraged use of stairs. British Medical Journal 1995;311(7000):289–290.

Boutelle KN, Jeffery RW, Murray DM, Schmitz MK. Using signs, artwork, and music to promote stair use in a public building. American Journal of Public Health 2001; 91(12):2004–2006.

Boutelle KN, Jeffery RW, Schmitz K. The use of music and artwork to promote daily physical activity. Society of Behavioral Medicine's 20th Annual Scientific Sessions. 1999 March 3. Ref Type: Abstract

Brownell KD, Stunkard AJ, Albaum JM. Evaluation and modification of exercise patterns in the natural environment. American Journal of Psychiatry 1980;137(12):1540–1545.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Increasing physical activity: a report on recommendations of the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2001;50(No. RR-18):1–14.

Coleman KJ, Gonzalez EC. Promoting stair use in a U.S.-Mexico border community. American Journal of Public Health 2001;91(12):2007–2009.

Kerr, N.A., Yore, M.M., Ham, S.A., & Dietz, W.H. (2004). Increasing Stair Use in a Worksite Through Environmental Changes. American Journal of Health Promotion, 18 (4), 312–315.

Mutrie N, Blamey A, Mitchell J. What stops people choosing the stairs? Physical activity interventions: an American College of Sports Medicine specialty conference 1997; Ref Type: Abstract.

Titze S, Martin BW, Seiler R, Marti B. A worksite intervention module encouraging the use of stairs: results and evaluation issues. Sozial- und Praventivmedizin 2001;46(1):13–19.

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