CDC Newsroom Archives
Press Releases
- December 26, 2000: CDC Funds Registries for Childhood Diabetes
- December 15, 2000: CDC Inaugurates High-tech Lab
- December 5, 2000: No Evidence That Back Belts Reduce Injury Seen in Landmark Study of Retail Users
- December 5, 2000: CDC Issues New Report on STD Epidemics
- December 4, 2000: Most Teens Are Not Provided STD or Pregnancy Prevention Counseling During Check-ups
- December 1, 2000: CDC Appoints New Director for the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
- December 1, 2000: Public Health and Tobacco Control Efforts Lead to Decrease in Lung and Bronchus Cancer Rates in California
- November 14, 2000: Report: Decrease Tobacco Use and Reduce Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure
- November 3, 2000: Flu Vaccine Distribution: Frequently Asked Questions
- November 1, 2000: Younger Women Less Likely to Stop Using Alcohol and Tobacco During Pregnancy
- October 27, 2000: Building Data Systems for Monitoring and Responding to Violence Against Women
- October 27, 2000: Blood folate levels up in American women: Potential for reduction in birth defects
- October 20, 2000: Reports & Recommendations - Guidelines for Preventing Opportunistic Infections Among Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients
- October 20, 2000: Facts About Food Security
- October 17, 2000: Preventing Youth Violence
- October 14, 2000: Breast Cancer Storyline Awarded First Ever CDC Sentinel for Health Award for Daytime Drama
- October 13, 2000: Youth Tobacco Surveillance - United States, 1998-1999
- October 10, 2000: CDC Awards Funds to Help Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
- October 10, 2000: CDC Funds 10 Prevention Projects on Sexual Violence
- October 6, 2000: Lower Direct Medical Costs Associated with Physical Activity
- October 6, 2000: Update: Flu Vaccine Supply
- October 4, 2000: Obesity Continues Climb in 1999 Among American Adults
- October 4, 2000: First International "Walk Our Children to School Day"
- September 28, 2000: Update: Flu Vaccine Supply
- September 27, 2000: CDC Funds 10 Academic Centers for Excellence on Youth Violence
- September 22, 2000: CDC Gets Advice From Teens
- September 22, 2000: Surveillance for Vaccination Coverage Among Children and Adults - United States
- September 13, 2000: CDC Investigating Leptospirosis Among Participants in Eco-Challenge
- September 12, 2000: Finalists Named for the First Ever CDC Sentinel for Health Award for Daytime Drama
- September 8, 2000: Fact Sheet: Advice to Quit Smoking in Medicare Managed Care
- September 1, 2000: Study Demonstrates Exposure of People to Phthalates
- August 25, 2000: Trends in Cigarette Smoking Among U.S. High School Students
- August 22, 2000: West Nile Virus
- August 10, 2000: West Nile Activities
- April 19, 2000: Media Symposium
- April 25, 2000: West Nile Virus Activities in the U.S.
- April 25, 2000: General Facts About West Nile Virus
- April 25, 2000: West Nile Virus Genetic Analysis
- August 18, 2000: Surveillance for Characteristics of Health Education Among Secondary Schools
- August 14, 2000: Newest Disease Detectives Report to CDC
- August 3, 2000: Tips on Managing Heat and Heat-Related Illnesses
- August 1, 2000: States Receive Grants for Asthma Programs
- July 12, 2000: Colorectal Screening Campaign
- July 7, 2000: State-and Sex-Specific Prevalence of Selected Characteristics — Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1996 and 1997
- July 6, 2000: Nation Reports New Highs in Childhood Immunization Levels
- June 26, 2000: ACIP Vote Regarding Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
- June 23, 2000: Facts About Triplet and Higher-Order Births
- June 22, 2000: Flu Season 2000-01
- Possible Flu Vaccine Supply Reduction and Delay
- June 14, 2000: Outbreak Aboard Disney Cruise Ship
- June 9, 2000: Surveillance Summaries: Youth Risk Behavior - United States, 1999
- May 26, 2000: Invisible pool guests can cause kids to get sick
- May 26, 2000: Surveillance for Waterborne-disease Outbreaks, United States, 1997-1998
- May 24, 2000: CDC reminds young Americans to “Choose Your Cover” when having fun in the sun
- May 19, 2000: Poliomyelitis Prevention in the United States
- May 14, 2000: Cancer cases and deaths continue to decline
- April 28, 2000: Surveillance for Lyme Disease — United States, 1992–1998
- April 28, 2000: Surveillance for Influenza — United States, 1994–95, 1995–96, and 1996–97 Seasons
- April 21, 2000: Oregon Public Health Official Named CDC Deputy Director for Science
- April 21, 2000: Meningococcal disease among pilgrims returning from the Hajj
- March 31, 2000: Backgrounder for CDC Recommendations Regarding Selected Conditions Affecting Women's Health
- March 24, 2000: New CDC report identifies state-by-state gaps in health risk factors for racial and ethnic groups
- March 20, 200: CDC investigating meningococcal disease among pilgrims returning from the Hajj
- March 6, 2000: Why is handwashing important?
- March 6, 2000: Hospital infections cost U.S. billions of dollars annually
- March 6, 2000: Infections associated with home health care focus of health experts
- February 16, 2000: First atlas of geographic and racial and ethnic disparities in U.S. women's heart disease death rates released
- February 10, 2000: Dominican Republic - Revised Malaria Recommendations
- February 4, 2000: Risk factors for chronic disease and injury vary greatly by region and sex among American Indians and Alaska Natives
- January 28, 2000: False Internet report about necrotizing fasciitis associated with bananas
- January 24, 2000: Updated: Flu Season 1999-2000
- January 21, 2000: 2000 Childhood Immunization Schedule
- January 7, 2000 (Updated January 12, 2000): Flu Season 1999-2000? Questions and Answers
- January 6, 2000: CDC/ATSDR complete successful Y2K transition
Media Advisories
- October 23, 2000: Media Advisory: Ebola Outbreak in Uganda
- July 7, 2000: Emerging Diseases Conference 2000
Fact Sheets
- December 21, 2000: Fact Sheet: CDC FY 2001 Appropriation
- December 1, 2000: Fact Sheet - Declines in Lung Cancer Rates - California, 1988 to 1997
- November 3, 2000: Facts About Additional Flu Vaccine
- October 27, 2000: Facts About Diabetes
- October 20, 2000: Facts About Food Security
- October 17, 2000: Facts About Youth Violence
- October 13, 2000: Facts About Youth Tobacco Surveillance United States, 1998-1999
- September 22, 2000: Facts About State-Specific Preterm Births
- September 22, 2000: Facts About Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea
- September 8, 2000: Fact Sheet: Advice to Quit Smoking in Medicare Managed Care
- July 14, 2000: Fact Sheet: National and State-Specific Pregnancy Rates Among Teens
- July 6, 2000: Fact Sheet: Differences Between Men and Women in Health Risk Factors, 1996 and 1997
- June 9, 2000: Facts About: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance — United States, 1999
- June 2, 2000: Facts About Heart Disease and Stroke Among American Indians and Alaska Natives
- March 24, 2000: Facts About Racial Health Risk Factors
- February 16, 2000: Facts About Heart Disease Among U.S. Women
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