CDC Newsroom Archives
Press Releases
- December 14, 2011 Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence Widespread in the US
- December 13, 2011 Many young children overdosing from medicines at home
- December 12, 2011 A twist on gift-giving this season could change hearts
- December 8, 2011: CDC Issues Recommendations on Use of New Treatment Option for Latent TB Infection
- November 29, 2011: Only one quarter of Americans with HIV have virus under control
- November 23, 2011 Elderly at risk of hospitalizations from key medications
- November 17, 2011 Teen birth rate hit record low in 2010
- November 11, 2011 CDC now tracking antibiotic use in hospitals
- November 10, 2011 New study shows smokers underutilize proven treatment and services for quitting
- November 3, 2011 New Million Hearts tools announced by partners
- November 1, 2011 Prescription painkiller overdoses at epidemic levels
- October 27, 2011 CDC recommends ways to reduce the threat of strokes
- October 25, 2011 CDC launches effort to protect cancer patients from infections
- October 20, 2011 CDC study shows suicidal thoughts and behavior vary among U.S. adults
- October 19, 2011 HHS agencies express support for infant safe sleep recommendations
- October 19, 2011 Health care-associated infections declined in 2010
- October 19, 2011 Melanoma skin cancer has costly and deadly impact on America
- October 17, 2011 CDC reports excessive alcohol consumption cost the U.S. $224 billion in 2006
- October 14, 2011 CDC issues initial 2011–2012 seasonal "FluView" report
- October 13, 2011 CDC reports uneven declines in coronary heart disease by state and race/ethnicity
- October 13, 2011 CDC announces new effort to boost number of Baby-Friendly hospitals
- October 12, 2011 More teen males using condoms
- October 6, 2011 CDC finds 60 percent increase in youth athletes treated for TBIs
- October 4, 2011 CDC report shows about 112 million annual incidents of people drinking and driving
- September 30, 2011 Affordable Care Act helps improve the health of the American workforce, increase workplace health programs
- September 29, 2011 CDC takes new steps to combat childhood obesity
- September 27, 2011: CDC awards $55 million for HIV prevention among gay, bisexual and transgender youth of color
- September 21, 2011 Rotavirus vaccination leads to large decreases in health care costs and doctor visits
- September 15, 2011 CDC report details influenza prevention and treatment for children and teens
- September 15, 2011 Lung cancer rates decline nationwide
- September 13, 2011 New public-private sector initiative aims to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes in five years
- September 06, 2011: Smokers are smoking less
- September 06, 2011: U.S. blood supply vulnerable to parasitic infection spread by ticks
- September 02, 2011: New CDC-Developed Diagnostic Lab Test for Flu Approved
- September 01, 2011: CDC national survey finds early childhood immunization rates increasing
- August 31, 2011: HHS awards $40 million to boost public health infrastructure, prepare tomorrow′s public health workforce
- August 25, 2011: HHS awards $137 million to states to boost prevention and public health
- August 25, 2011: National survey shows HPV vaccine rates trail other teen vaccines
- August 18, 2011: CDC report finds people live longer if they practice one or more healthy lifestyle behaviors
- August 15, 2011: HHS funds to bolster public health emergency preparedness nationwide
- August 10, 2011: Task Force finds commercial liability an effective strategy to reduce alcohol-related problems
- August 3, 2011: New multi-year data show annual HIV infections in U.S. relatively stable
- August 2, 2011: Majority of U.S. hospitals do not fully support breastfeeding
- July 19, 2011: Latest State Data Show Rates of Obesity Remain High
- July 13, 2011: CDC Releases Infection Prevention Guide to Promote Safe Outpatient Care
- July 13, 2011: CDC Trial and Another Major Study Find PrEP Can Reduce Risk of HIV Infection among Heterosexuals
- July 11, 2011: High Sodium, Low Potassium Diet Linked to Increased Risk of Death
- July 5, 2011: Colorectal Cancer: Second Most Deadly Cancer Can Be Stopped Before It Starts
- June 23, 2011: Three-Year CDC Initiative Tests 2.8 Million Americans for HIV
- June 23, 2011: CDC Identifies Top Global Public Health Achievements in First Decade of 21st Century
- June 22, 2011: ATSDR Launches Health Survey of Marine Corps Personnel and Civilians
- June 7, 2011: No Progress in Salmonella During Past 15 Years
- June 6, 2011: CDC Report Finds Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Students At Greater Risk for Unhealthy, Unsafe Behaviors
- May 26, 2011: Report Finds Global Smokers Consider Quitting due to Graphic Health Warnings on Packages
- May 19, 2011: CDC Identifies 10 Public Health Achievements of First Decade of 21st Century
- May 19, 2011: Swimmer's Ear Responsible for Nearly a Half Billion in Health Care Costs
- May 16, 2011: PREVENT TB Study Examines New Treatment for Latent TB Infection
- May 11, 2011: CDC Finds Annual Estimated Cost of U.S. Crash-Related Deaths is $41 Billion
- May 9, 2011: Updated CDC Travel Health Book Released
- May 3, 2011: U.S. Asthma Rates Continue to Rise Press Release – May 3, 2011
- April 27, 2011: Medical Costs for Youth with Diabetes More Than $9,000 a Year
- April 26, 2011: CDC Report Highlights Lack of Healthy Food Environments for Children
- April 21, 2011: Half of All States Have Smoke-Free Worksites, Restaurants and Bars
- April 14, 2011: CDC Study Finds Suicide Rates Rise and Fall with Economy
- April 7, 2011: Antimicrobial Resistance Posing Growing Health Threat
- April 5, 2011: U.S. Teen Birth Rate Fell to Record Low in 2009
- April 4, 2011: CDC and NIH Update Guidelines to Protect Patients from Bloodstream Infections
- March 31, 2011: Report to Nation Finds Continued Declines in Many Cancer Rates
- March 25, 2011: Additional $34.2 Million for Public Health Improvement Programs through Affordable Care Act
- March 24, 2011: New Accreditation Opportunity for State, Local, Tribal Health Departments
- March 16, 2011: US Death Rate Falls for 10th Straight Year
- March 14, 2011: Older Adults Not Getting Recommended Preventive Services
- March 14, 2011: $10 Million Awarded to Help Reduce Health Care-Associated Infections
- March 10, 2011: US Cancer Survivors Grows to Nearly 12 Million
- March 2, 2011: Opioid Pain Killers Linked to Increased Risk of Some Birth Defects
- March 1, 2011: Infections in ICUs Plummeting, Too Many Remain in Hospitals and Dialysis Clinics
- February 28, 2011: Smoking Early in Pregnancy Raises Risk of Heart Defects in Infants
- February 22, 2011: Ignition Interlocks Reduce Alcohol-Impaired Driving
- February 16, 2011: Highest Rates of Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity in Appalachia and South
- February 1, 2011: Most Americans with High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol at Unnecessary Risk for Heart Attack and Stroke
- January 26, 2011: Number of Americans with Diabetes Rises to Nearly 26 Million
- January 13, 2011: CDC Report Documents Important Health Disparities, Need for Better Data
- January 7, 2011: HHS and EPA Announce New Scientific Assessments and Actions on Fluoride
- January 4, 2011: CDC Study Finds Seat Belt Use Up to 85 Percent Nationally
Media Advisories
- December 14, 2011: Telebriefing on Results from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS)
- December 2, 2011: Telebriefing on U.S. Influenza Activity and Vaccination Rates for Current Season
- November 29, 2011: New Eagle Books Youth Novel Release
- November 10, 2011: CDC Telebriefing: Quitting Smoking Among Adults – United States, 2001-2010
- November 1, 2011: CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Overdoses of Prescription Opioid Pain Relievers — United States, 1999–2008
- October 25, 2011: ACIP recommends all 11-12 year-old males get vaccinated against HPV
- October 19, 2011: FDA-CDC Telebriefing on Root Cause of Multi-state Listeria Outbreak
- October 17, 2011: CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Meeting
- October 17, 2011: CDC Telebriefing on Economic Costs of Excessive Alcohol Consumption in the U.S., 2006
- October 4, 2011: CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Vital Signs: Alcohol–Impaired Driving Among Adults — United States, 2010
- September 28, 2011: CDC and FDA media availability on multistate outbreak on Listeriosis
- September 26, 2011: Insufficient sleep among high school students associated with a variety of health-risk behaviors
- September 22, 2011: CDC releases surveillance data on waterborne disease outbreaks
- September 21, 2011: Watching Hands: Artists Respond to Keeping Well
- September 21, 2011: Are We Ready for America’s Next Flu Challenge?
- September 20, 2011: CDC report highlights progress in nation’s public health preparedness
- September 8, 2011: CDC Releases Report on Foods and Foodborne agents associated with Outbreaks in the United States
- September 6, 2011: CDC: Highlighting Violence as a Public Health Issue
- September 6, 2011: Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults Aged ≥18 Years — United States, 2005–2010
- September 2, 2011: CDC Lancet article discusses public health preparedness progress and challenges
- September 1, 2011: Report identifies need for increased monitoring of adult mental illness
- August 25, 2011: CDC: Telebriefing on MMWR Report: National, State, and Reporting Area Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13–17 Years — United States, 2010
- August 18, 2011: CDC: Telebriefing on Influenza Vaccination
- August 8, 2011: CDC: Athletes need to take special precautions in hot weather
- August 2, 2011: CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Hospital Practices to Support Breastfeeding — United States, 2007 and 2009
- July 25, 2011: CDC Urges: Stay Cool to Stay Healthy As Temperatures Soar
- July 5, 2011: CDC Press Briefing on Vital Signs Report: Colorectal Cancer Screening, Incidence, and Mortality — United States, 2002-2010
- June 15, 2011: CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Meeting
- June 7, 2011: CDC Press Briefing on Vital Signs Report: Incidence and Trends of Infection with Pathogens Transmitted Commonly Through Food — Foodborne Disease Active Surveillance Network, 10 U.S. Sites, 1996-2010
- June 6, 2011: CDC Announces Healthy Swimming Video Contest
- June 6, 2011: Off the Beaten Path: Violence, Women and Art
- May 10, 2011: CDC Director to Participate in Media Briefing on Road Safety
- May 3, 2011: CDC Press Briefing on Vital Signs Report: Asthma Prevalence, Disease Characteristics, and Self-Management Education — United States, 2001–2009
- March 22, 2011: CDC to Host Conference on Public Health Preparedness for Radiation Emergencies
- March 1, 2011: CDC Press Briefing on Vital Signs Report: Central Line–Associated Blood Stream Infections
- February 17, 2011: Media Availability About Dengue Research Conference
- February 16, 2011: CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Meeting
- February 16, 2011: Latest Report on Nation's Health Released
- February 1, 2011: CDC Press Briefing on Vital Signs Report: Prevalence, Treatment, and Control of High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol
- December 30, 2011: FDA and CDC Update: Investigation of Cronobacter bacteria illness in infants
- October 18, 2011: CDC Statement on Results from RTS,S/AS01 Malaria Vaccine Trial
- October 14, 2011: National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (October 15)Latinos Unite! Stay Healthy! Get Tested for HIV!
- September 27, 2011: National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
- September 21, 2011: Statement on New proposed guidelines for organ transplantation
- July 27, 2011: CDC Statement on World Hepatitis Day 2011
- July 26, 2011: First World Trade Center Scientific and Medical Review Released
- July 7, 2011: Statement by Thomas R. Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Regarding WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2011
- June 23, 2011: National HIV Testing Day
- June 2, 2011: Commemorating 30 Years of HIV/AIDS
- June 1, 2011: CDC Statement on Outbreak of STEC O104:H4 infections in Germany
- May 20, 2011: CDC Observes Lyme Disease Awareness Month
- May 12, 2011: Statement by CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden, M.D., M.P.H., on Early End of HPTN 052 Study
- Audio recording (MP3, 4.78MB)
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- Audio recording (MP3, 6.61MB)
- Audio recording (MP3, 3.79MB)
- Audio recording (MP3, 4MB)
- Audio recording (MP3, 8.58MB)
- Audio recording (MP3, 6.13MB)
- August 25, 2011: CDC: NIS Teens Briefing
- Audio recording (MP3, 4MB)
- August 18, 2011: CDC: Telebriefing on Influenza Vaccination
- Audio recording (MP3, 6.8MB)
- August 4, 2011: CDC-USDA Telebriefing on Salmonella Heidelberg Investigations
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.57MB)
- August 2, 2011: CDC Vital Signs: Hospital Practices to Support Breastfeeding
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.57MB)
- July 5, 2011: CDC Vital Signs: Colorectal Cancer Screening, Incidence, and Mortality
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.57MB)
- June 7, 2011: CDC Vital Signs: Food Safety and 2010 FoodNet Data
- Audio recording (MP3, 8.70MB)
- May 3, 2011: CDC Vital Signs: Asthma Prevalence, Disease Characteristics, and Self-Management Education — United States, 2001–2009
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.75MB)
- April 5, 2011: CDC Vital Signs: Teen Pregnancy — United States, 1991–2009
- Audio recording (MP3, 3.16MB)
- March 1, 2011: CDC Vital Signs: Central Line–Associated Blood Stream Infections — United States, 2001, 2008, and 2009
- Audio recording (MP3, 3.60MB)
- February 17, 2011: CDC/NIH/PAHO Media Availability during the Dengue Research Conference
- Audio recording (MP3, 7.00MB)
- February 4, 2011: CDC Vital Signs: Prevalence, Treatment, and Control of High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol
- Audio recording (MP3, 3.38MB)
- January 4, 2011: CDC Vital Signs: Nonfatal Motor Vehicle Injuries and Seat Belt Use Among U.S. Adults
- Audio recording (MP3, 2.55MB)
2011 Fact Sheets
- June 20, 2011: CDC Building 24: Media Fact Sheet
- April 7, 2011: World Health Day: Media Fact Sheet
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