CDC Newsroom Archives
Press Releases
- December 18, 2013 First reports of Chikungunya in Western Hemisphere
- December 18, 2013 New project aimed at collecting health data for Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations
- December 16, 2013 CDC looks back at 2013 health challenges, ahead to 2014 health worries
- December 12, 2013 Public gets early snapshot of MRSA and C. difficile infections in individual hospitals
- December 12, 2013 New Report Highlights Benefits of Flu Vaccine
- December 5, 2013 Measles Still Threatens Health Security
- December 5, 2013 President Obama Signs Reauthorization of PEPFAR
- December 2, 2013 CDC releases new findings and prevention tools to improve food safety in restaurants
- November 27, 2013 Sexual risk lower among U.S. gay and bisexual men who accurately know their HIV status
- November 27, 2013 CDC Report Documents Health Disparities
- November 21, 2013 Progress and Challenges Fighting Polio in Pakistan and Afghanistan
- November 18, 2013 New guidance limits antibiotics for common infections in children
- November 14, 2013 CDC accredited for emergency management
- November 14, 2013 CDC finds cluster of newborns in Tennessee with bleeding disorder
- November 14, 2013 Emerging tobacco products gaining popularity among youth
- November 5, 2013 Colorectal cancer screening rates remain low
- October 31, 2013 Malaria cases in U.S. reach 40-year high
- October 22, 2013 More than 40 percent of middle and high schoolers who smoke use flavored little cigars or flavored cigarettes
- September 26, 2013 Better, Faster Lab Reports Help States’ Outbreak Response
- September 19, 2013 2013 Tips From Former Smokers campaign generates 150,000 calls to quitlines and 2.8 million website visits
- September 16, 2013 Untreatable: Report by CDC details today’s drug-resistant health threats
- September 9, 2013 More than 100,000 Americans quit smoking due to national media campaign
- September 5, 2013 E-cigarette use more than doubles among U.S. middle and high school students from 2011-2012
- September 3, 2013 CDC finds 200,000 heart disease and stroke deaths could be prevented
- August 26, 2013 CDC releases 2012 School Health Policies and Practices Study results
- August 20, 2013 CDC awards funding to help states face new infectious disease threats
- August 19, 2013 CDC provides estimate of Americans diagnosed with Lyme disease each year
- August 13, 2013 CDC state data shows high costs due to excessive alcohol use
- August 6, 2013 CDC Releases 2014 Edition of "Yellow Book"
- August 6, 2013 Obesity among low-income preschoolers declines in many states
- August 5, 2013 CDC and Olympic Champion Amanda Beard team up for healthy swimming
- July 31, 2013 U.S. breastfeeding rates continue to rise
- July 25, 2013 HPV vaccine: Safe, effective, and grossly underutilized
- July 18, 2013 Healthy life expectancies at age 65 highest in Hawaii, lowest in Mississippi
- July 11, 2013 CDC releases report on 30-year low in youth homicide rates
- July 03, 2013 HHS grants to bolster disaster preparedness for health care, public health
- July 02, 2013 Deaths from Prescription Painkiller Overdoses Rise Sharply Among Women
- June 19, 2013 New study shows HPV vaccine helping lower HPV infection rates in teen girls
- June 14, 2013 Haiti close to eliminating lymphatic filariasis
- June 10, 2013 CDC partners with 104 employers for National Healthy Worksite Program
- June 6, 2013 CDC urges everyone: Get ready to stay cool before temperatures soar
- June 4, 2013 Older Americans, pregnant women face highest risk from Listeria food poisoning
- June 4, 2013 Fewer Americans having problems paying medical bills
- May 30, 2013 One in five Americans report visiting emergency room at least once in the past year
- May 29, 2013 MRSA study slashes deadly infections in sickest hospital patients
- May 22, 2013 Campaign encourages smokers to “Talk With Your Doctor” for help quitting
- May 16, 2013 Large majority of adults have smoke-free rules in homes, vehicles
- May 16, 2013 CDC study finds fecal contamination in pools
- May 13, 2013 Following CDC Protocols Cuts Dialysis Bloodstream Infections in Half
- May 7, 2013 Study suggests only half of Americans with hepatitis C receive complete testing for the virus
- May 2, 2013 One in five adults meet overall physical activity guidelines
- May 2, 2013 CDC finds suicide rates among middle-aged adults increased from 1999-2010
- April 18, 2013 Infections from some foodborne germs increased, while others remained unchanged in 2012
- April 16, 2013 Smoke-free subsidized housing would save $521 million a year
- April 11, 2013 Former CDC Deputy Director and NASA Scientist visit CDC to discuss space science research and its benefit to humanity
- April 02, 2013 Nearly 20 percent of teen births are repeat births
- March 28, 2013 Valley Fever Increasing in Some Southwestern States
- March 28, 2013 Education campaign returns with powerful stories to help Americans quit smoking | Campaña educativa regresa con historias impactantes para ayudar a las personas en los Estados Unidos a dejar de fumar
- March 21, 2013 Norovirus is now the leading cause of severe gastroenteritis in US children
- March 14, 2013 Mobile device use while driving more common in the US than in several European countries
- March 5, 2013 CDC: Action needed now to halt spread of deadly bacteria
- February 28, 2013 About one in five U.S. adult cigarette smokers have tried an electronic cigarette
- February 28, 2013 Innovative policy to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV shows positive impact
- February 20, 2013 Million Hearts Releases New Spanish-Language Resources on Heart Health
- February 20, 2013 Opioids drive continued increase in drug overdose deaths
- February 20, 2013 iPad users can solve public health outbreaks
- February 11, 2013 Hospitals report reductions in some types of health care-associated infections
- February 7, 2013 More Mothers are Breastfeeding
- February 5, 2013 Smoking among U.S. adults with mental illness 70 percent higher than for adults with no mental illness
- January 25, 2013 CDC releases data on interpersonal and sexual violence by sexual orientation
- January 25, 2013 New norovirus strain causing most norovirus outbreaks in United States
- January 8, 2013 Binge drinking is an under-recognized problem among women and girls
- January 3, 2013 More women getting Pap tests as recommended
Media Advisories
- December 31, 2013 CDC’s Graphs of the Year: Nightmare bacteria spread and 100,000 smokers likely quit with Tips
- December 12, 2013 CDC to provide an update on flu and vaccination activity this season and share new data on the impact of vaccination last season
- December 2, 2013 Measles Still Threatens Health Security: On 50th Anniversary of Measles Vaccine, Spike in Imported Measles Cases
- November 25, 2013 CDC Telebriefing: Status of Serogroup B Meningitis Cases in the United States
- November 5, 2013 CDC Telebriefing: New Vital Signs Report - How can more people get tested for colorectal cancer?
- October 21, 2013 CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Meeting
- September 24, 2013 David J. Sencer CDC Museum open on Smithsonian magazine Museum Day Live!
- September 20, 2013 Positive relationship factors may help break cycle of child maltreatment
- September 13, 2013 CDC director to host telebriefing on landmark report detailing drug resistance threats
- September 12, 2013 CDC officials to share new data on immunization coverage among nation’s infants and recent measles outbreaks
- September 6, 2013 Results from first ever federally-funded national education ad campaign, “Tips From Former Smokers”
- September 4, 2013 CDC Director to speak on the state of nation’s health security at the National Press Club - "The Cough Heard 'Round the World"
- September 3, 2013 CDC Telebriefing: New Vital Signs Report - How can progress be made in preventable deaths from heart attack and stroke?
- August 6, 2013 CDC Telebriefing: New Vital Signs Report - Obesity among low-income preschoolers declines in many states
- July 25, 2013 CDC officials to discuss Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination coverage and vaccine safety monitoring
- June 28, 2013 CDC Telebriefing: New Vital Signs Report How has the prescription painkiller overdose epidemic grown in women?
- June 20, 2013 CDC advisory committee recommends an influenza vaccine option for persons with egg allergy
- June 19, 2013 CDC findings show higher suicide-related behaviors among youth involved in bullying
- June 19, 2013 CDC officials to discuss decline in Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in females since vaccination started in 2006
- June 17, 2013 David J. Sencer CDC Museum unveils cancer survivors’ photo exhibit
- June 12, 2013 CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Meeting
- June 6, 2013 CDC releases toolkit to assist with patient notification events after unsafe medical practices
- June 4, 2013 CDC Telebriefing: Vital Signs Report on Listeria Illnesses, Deaths, and Outbreaks — United States, 2009–2011
- May 30, 2013 Anti-smoking ads increase odds of quitting in 14 countries
- May 20, 2013 CDC director discusses Extreme Heat Awareness with Atlanta area school students
- May 20, 2013 CDC announces new members for the Advisory Committee on Breast Cancer in Young Women
- May 16, 2013 CDC to issue first comprehensive report on children’s mental health in the United States
- May 14, 2013 Tips From Former Smokers campaign – "Talk With Your Doctor" news conference
- May 13, 2013 CDC releases final West Nile virus national surveillance data for 2012
- May 7, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Hepatitis C Virus Infection Testing and Reporting
- May 2, 2013 Controlling asthma in schools: CDC’s focus for asthma awareness month
- April 24, 2013 To protect worker health NIOSH recommends new exposure levels for nanomaterials
- April 18, 2013 Infections from some foodborne germs increased in 2012; others remain unchanged
- April 16, 2013 CDC launches a new educational website on laboratory science for teachers and students
- March 27, 2013 CDC Releases Second Round of ads in “Tips From Former Smokers” campaign
- March 5, 2013 CDC Telebriefing: Vital Signs Report Details Rising Threat from Lethal CRE Bacteria
- February 19, 2013 CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Meeting
- February 5, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report on Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults with Mental Illness
- January 29, 2013 Climate and Health Symposium Puts Science into Practice
- January 29, 2013 CDC releases first estimates of the food sources of all foodborne illnesses acquired in the United States
- January 29, 2013 Telebriefing on U.S. Adult Vaccination Rates
- January 25, 2013 Tobacco Control State Highlights 2012 Released
- January 18, 2013 CDC Update: 2012-2013 Influenza Season
- January 11, 2013 CDC Update: Flu Season and Vaccine Effectiveness
- January 8, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report on Binge Drinking among Women and Girls
- December 20, 2013 Voluntary Recall of One Lot of Gardasil HPV Vaccine
- November 21, 2013 CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden releases Winnable Battles Progress Report 2010-2015, discusses successes and challenges
- October 23, 2013 CDC Update on the Multistate Outbreak of Fungal Meningitis and Other Infections: One Year Later
- October 18, 2013 Statement from Tim McAfee, Director, CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health on the passing of Nathan Moose, former Tips campaign ad participant
- September 17, 2013 Business Pulse connects CDC and business to address public health threats
- September 17, 2013 Statement from CDC Director Tom Frieden on the passing of Terrie Hall, former Tips From Former Smokers ad participant
- March 20, 2013 CDC and HRSA issue report on changes in prevalence of parent-reported Autism Spectrum Disorder in school-aged children
- March 15, 2013 CDC confirms rabies death in organ transplant recipient
- December 12, 2013 Flu Press Conference: New Report Highlights Benefits of Flu Vaccine
- Audio recording (MP3, 7.15 MB)
- December 5, 2013 Measles Press Conference: 50th Anniversary of Measles Vaccine
- Audio recording (MP3, 7.52 MB)
- November 25, 2013 CDC Telebriefing: Status of Serogroup B Meningitis Cases in the United States
- Audio recording (MP3, 8.93 MB)
- November 5, 2013 Vital Signs Telebriefing on Colorectal Cancer Screening
- Audio recording (MP3, 4.94 MB)
- September 16, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on Today's Drug-Resistant Health Threats
- Audio recording (MP3, 8.22MB)
- September 12, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on the National Immunization Survey, Vaccine for Children Program, and recent measles outbreaks in the U.S.
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.15MB)
- September 10, 2013 National Press Club Luncheon
- September 9, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on Tips From Former Smokers ad campaign results
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.22MB)
- September 3, 2013 Vital Signs telebriefing on heart disease and stroke deaths
- August 6, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on Obesity Among Low-Income Preschool-Aged Children
- Audio recording (MP3, 6.71MB)
- July 25, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination coverage and vaccine safety monitoring
- Audio recording (MP3, 7.041MB)
- July 02, 2013 Deaths from Prescription Painkiller Overdoses Rise Sharply Among Women
- Audio recording (MP3, 6.93MB)
- June 19, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on HPV prevalence among young women following HPV vaccination introduction in the United States, NHANES, 2003-2010
- Audio recording (MP3, 6.93MB)
- June 4, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on Listeria
- Audio recording (MP3, 4.01MB)
- May 7, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on Hepatitis C testing
- Audio recording (MP3, 4.01MB)
- April 18, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on New Food Safety data
- April 5, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on H7N9 Influenza Cases
- March 28, 2013 Telebriefing on Tips from Former Smokers campaign
- March 5, 2013 Vital Signs Telebriefing on Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae
- February 5, 2013 Vital Signs Telebriefing on Cigarette Smoking among Adults with Mental Illness
- Audio recording (MP3, 8.67MB)
- January 29, 2013 CDC Telebriefing on U.S. Adult Vaccination Rates
- Audio recording (MP3, 6.68MB)
- January 18, 2013 CDC Update: Flu Season and Vaccine Effectiveness
- Audio recording (MP3, 8MB)
- January 11, 2013 CDC Update: Flu Season and Vaccine Effectiveness
- Audio recording (MP3, 9.17MB)
- January 8, 2013: CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report on Binge Drinking among Women and Girls
- Audio recording (MP3, 5MB)
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