CDC Newsroom Archives
Press Releases
- December 31, 2008: Health Groups Release 2009 Immunization Schedules
- December 31, 2008: Smoke-free Policy Leads to Dramatic, Sustained Drop in Heart Attack Hospitalizations in Pueblo, Colorado
- December 10, 2008: Undiagnosed Sleep Problems May Lead To Long Term Health Issues
- December 10, 2008: New CDC Report Finds Motor Vehicles and Falls are Causes of Most Child and Teen Injuries and Deaths in the United States
- November 25, 2008: Annual Report to the Nation Finds Declines in Cancer Incidence and Death Rates; Special Feature Reveals Wide Variations in Lung Cancer Trends across States
- November 17, 2008: National Birth Defects Prevention Study Shows Assisted Reproductive Technology is Associated with an Increased Risk of Certain Birth Defects
- November 14, 2008: New CDC Study Finds Community Physical Activity Programs Are Money Well Spent
- November 13, 2008: Slightly Lower Adult Smoking Rates
- November 03, 2008: CDC Releases First Estimate of Human Papillomavirus-Associated Cancer Data
- October 30, 2008: New Cases of Diagnosed Diabetes on the Rise
- October 30, 2008: ATSDR Issues Report on Asbestos Exposure from Libby Vermiculite
- October 22, 2008: CDC Study Finds 3 Million U.S. Children have Food or Digestive Allergies
- October 16, 2008: CDC Media Analysis Examines Car Surfing
- October 15, 2008: CDC Releases New Infant Mortality Data
- October 9, 2008: Nation′s Teen Vaccination Coverage Increasing, But Below 2010 Goals
- October 8, 2008: CDC Awards $16.9 Million Contract to Improve Capabilities to Combat Pandemic, Seasonal Influenza
- October 6, 2008: CDC Awards $10.9 Million for Preparedness Research Centers at Seven Schools of Public Health
- October 2, 2008: It′s Time to Get Smart about the Use of Antibiotics
- September 30, 2008: CDC Awards $10 million to New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation to provide Health Services to Residents, Other Community Members Affected by 9/11 Attack
- September 24, 2008: CDC Awards $24 Million for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Projects
- September 18, 2008: CDC Expands Testing Recommendations For Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection
- September 9, 2008: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Effective for Treating Trauma Symptoms in Children and Teens
- September 8, 2008: CDC Steps Up Efforts to Fight Drug-Resistant Germ
- September 4, 2008: New Report Estimates More than 2 million Cases of Tobacco-related Cancers Diagnosed in the United States During 1999-2004
- September 4, 2008: Most US Parents are Vaccinating According to New CDC Survey Vaccine Coverage Rates for Children Remain High
- September 2, 2008: CDC Director Named To Forbes List of 100 Most Powerful Women
- August 29, 2008: CDC Launches New Program to Train Veterinarians
- August 21, 2008: CDC Releases 1918 Pandemic Flu Storybook
- August 21, 2008: Most U. S. Measles Cases Reported since 1996
- August 19, 2008: CDC Launches CDC-TV On-Line Video Resource
- August 8, 2008: Reductions in Smoking Show Promise for Reducing Home Fire Deaths
- August 7, 2008: CDC Releases New Data on Epilepsy from Multiple States
- August 7, 2008: New Report Provides Demographic Profile of Adoptive Parents
- August 6, 2008: Americans Made Over 1 Billion Hospital and Doctor Visits in 2006
- August 3, 2008: New Technology Reveals Higher Number of New HIV Infections in the United States than Previously Known
- July 30, 2008: National Birth Defects Prevention Study Finds Pre-pregnancy Diabetes Increases Risk for Multiple Types of Birth Defects
- July 25, 2008: Alternative Warm-Up Program Reduces Risk of ACL Injuries For Female College Soccer Players
- July 24, 2008: New CDC Grant Program Extends Health Resources to Residents and other Community Members Affected by 9/11 Attack
- July 17, 2008: Latest CDC Data Show More Americans Report Being Obese
- July 10, 2008: Community Water Fluoridation Now Reaches Nearly 70 percent of U.S. Population
- July 2, 2008: CDC Releases Reports on Formaldehyde Tests of Trailers
- June 30, 2008: CDC Web Site Receives Government Web Managers Forum 2008 Best Practice Award
- June 26, 2008: Respiratory Illness, Dog Bites Among Top Concerns For Travelers to China
- June 25, 2008: Fewer Kids Suffering from Rotavirus This Season
- June 24, 2008: Number of People with Diabetes Increases to 24 Million
- June 23, 2008: Traumatic Brain Injuries Can Result From Senior Falls
- June 12, 2008: New CDC Study Finds Gaps in Breastfeeding Support in U.S. Hospitals and Birth Centers
- June 11, 2008: U.S. Deaths Down Sharply in 2006
- June 10, 2008: CDC Finds Some Bird Flu Strains have Acquired Properties that Might Enhance Potential to Infect Humans
- June 10, 2008: New CDC Study First To Present National Outdoor Recreational Injury Estimates
- June 5, 2008: CDC′s National Center for Health Marketing Forms Professional Advisory Group
- June 4, 2008: Nation’s High School Students Showing Overall Improvements in Health-Related Behaviors
- May 22, 2008:CDC Reports More U.S. Nonsmokers Are Protected by Smoke-Free Laws
- May 19, 2008:Cases Of Recreational Water Illnesses On The Rise
- May 15, 2008:CDC Recommends Shingles Vaccine
- May 8, 2008:New CDC Study Finds Arthritis Can be a Barrier for Adults Seeking to Manage Diabetes through Physical Activity
- May 6, 2008:Falls a Leading Cause of Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits for Infants Each Year, CDC Study Shows
- April 24, 2008:National Infant Immunization Week Reminds Parents of the Importance of Immunizations and Encourages them to Look to their Child′s Doctor for Information
- April 14, 2008:CDC Urges Travelers to Israel to Protect Themselves from Measles
- April 14, 2008:Pregnancy Rate Drops for U.S. Women Under Age 25
- April 10, 2008:CDC Report Points to Need for New Foodborne Illness Strategies
- April 7, 2008:Smoking Early In Pregnancy Raises Risks Of Heart Defects In Newborns
- April 2, 2008:Pregnant Women Who are Obese Linked with Greater Health Care Services Use
- April 1, 2008:Study Shows Rural Alaska Natives without In-Home Running Water Suffer More Disease
- March 28, 2008:First-Ever County Level Report on Stroke Hospitalizations
- March 17, 2008:Community Heroes Honored for Contributions to CDC′s Steps Program
- March 13, 2008:New Study Shows Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates Increasing Among U.S. Adults
- March 6, 2008:New CDC study underscores impact of older adult falls
- February 28, 2008:CDC Study Reveals Adults May Not Get Enough Rest or Sleep
- February 27, 2008:CDC′s Advisory Committee Recommends Influenza Vaccination for Children 6 months through 18 years of age
- February 21, 2008:Disparities in Awareness of Heart Attack Warning Signs Among Adults in 14 States Revealed by CDC Study
- February 20, 2008:CDC State Preparedness Report Highlights Progress and Challenges
- February 14, 2008: CDC Releases Results of Formaldehyde Level Tests
- February 14, 2008: More Children in Low-Income Countries Getting Vaccinated Against Hib Pneumonia and Meningitis
- February 14, 2008: CDC Study Warns of Deaths Due to the “Choking Game”
- February 06, 2008:New Resource for Preventing Diabetes in African-Americans
- January 30, 2008:New Study Shows Tobacco Control Programs Cut Adult Smoking Rates
- January 29, 2008:New Report Provides Information on HIV Prevalence in the U.S. Household Population
- January 28, 2008:CDC Study Estimates 7,000 Pediatric Emergency Departments Visits Linked to Cough and Cold Medication
- January 17, 2008:New Study Finds Decline in Single-Victim School-Associated Violent Deaths
- January 16, 2008:CDC To Launch Study on Unexplained Illness
- January 11, 2008:Health Groups Release 2008 Immunization Schedules
Media Advisories
- December 3, 2008: Measles Initiative to Announce Major Achievement in Public Health
- November 25, 2008: Food for Your Soul this Holiday Season
- November 18, 2008: CDC Launches New Violence Prevention Information Resource
- October 17, 2008: Union of Concerned Scientists Report on Media Relations
- October 14, 2008: CDC Adds Hispanic Media Resources to New Online Newsroom
- October 8, 2008: CDC to Announce the Results of the Second Annual National Immunization Survey for Teens
- October 5, 2008: House Subcommittee issues staff report on CDC/ATSDR health assessments of indoor formaldehyde levels in FEMA-provided travel trailers
- September 24, 2008: International Conference on Rabies in the Americas at CDC
- September 19, 2008: CDC Urges Caution When Cleaning Up Mold
- September 12, 2008: CDC to Provide Free, Ready-to-Publish Health Content
- September 11, 2008: Analysis of New HIV Incidence Data Offers In-Depth Look at Populations Most At-Risk in the United States
- September 5, 2008: CDC Offers Checklist for People in Path of Upcoming Hurricanes
- September 4, 2008: CDC Launches New Online Newsroom
- September 4, 2008: CDC Announces Vaccine Coverage Rates for Children Aged 19-35 Months
- August 29, 2008: CDC Urges Pre-Teen Vaccination with New Public Service Announcements
- August 28, 2008: CDC Media Briefing on Preliminary Salmonella Saintpaul Outbreak Data
- August 25, 2008: CDC Releases Tips for Parents and Educators on Electronic Media and Youth Violence
- August 21, 2008: Update on measles outbreaks throughout the United States
- August 20, 2008: Report Shows High Regional Lung and Colorectal Cancer Rates in American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1999-2004
- July 24, 2008: World Trade Center Grant Announcement
- June 18, 2008: Heat Related Deaths Among Crop Workers
- June 5, 2008: Work-Related Injury Deaths of Hispanic Workers
- June 3, 2008: CDC to Hold Media Telebriefing to Release 2007 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey Findings
- May 7, 2008: National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- May 1, 2008: CDC Update on Measles Outbreaks in United States
- April 30, 2008: CDC/ATSDR Issues Revised Great Lakes Report for Public Comment
- April 24, 2008: Commercial Fishing Fatalities
- April 16, 2008: Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness
- April 10, 2008: CDC Releases National Violent Death Reporting System Data
- April 9, 2008: CDC Media Briefing: Preliminary FoodNet Data
- April 9, 2008: CDC Disease Detectives Highlight Findings from Recent Investigations
- April 2, 2008: ACF and CDC to Discuss Maltreatment of Infants Study
- March 17, 2008: Studies Describe the Funding, Development, and Implementation of a National Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program in the United States
- March 6, 2008: Media Availability on Vaccine Safety
- February 25, 2008: International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases
- February 22, 2008: Picturing Health: Norman Rockwell and the Art of Illustration
- February 21, 2008: Update on Seasonal Influenza Activity
- February 19, 2008: CDC to Discuss First State Preparedness Report
- February 14, 2008: Update on Seasonal Influenza Activity
- February 14, 2008: CDC and FEMA Discuss Preliminary Test Results from Trailers and Mobile Homes in Louisiana and Mississippi
- February 14, 2008: CDC to Discuss “Choking Game” Study
- February 8, 2008: Update on Seasonal Influenza Activity
- January 16, 2008: CDC to Launch Study on Unexplained Illness
- CDC Applauds Release of Brief on Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease
Media Statement December 4, 2008
- November 07, 2008: Statement from CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding on The Death of AMA Past President and Former Director of CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health
- October 6, 2008: Kids and Pets: CDC Advice for Staying Healthy and Happy
- January 16, 2008: CDC Statement on MRSA in Men Who Have Sex with Men
- October 9, 2008: CDC Announces Teen Vaccination Coverage Rates
- September 5, 2008: CDC Announces Vaccine Coverage Rates for Children Aged 19-35 Months
- August 28, 2008: Preliminary Salmonella Saintpaul Outbreak Data
- August 21, 2008: Update on measles outbreaks throughout the United States
- July 24, 2008: World Trade Center Grant Announcement
- June 19, 2008: Heat-Related Deaths Among Crop Workers
- June 5, 2008: Hispanic Work-Related Death
- June 4, 2008: CDC 2007 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey Telebriefing
- May 1, 2008: CDC Update on Measles Outbreaks in United States
- April 30, 2008: CDC/ATSDR Issues Revised Great Lakes Report for Public Comment
- April 24, 2008: Commercial Fishing Fatalities
- April 17, 2008: Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness
- April 10, 2008: CDC Media Briefing: Preliminary FoodNet Data
- April 3, 2008: ACF and CDC to Discuss Maltreatment of Infants Study
- March 6, 2008: Media Availability on Vaccine Safety
- February 27, 2008: Podcast Interview Discussing the ACIP Children's Influenza Recommendations with Dr. Tony Fiore, CDC Immunization Expert
- February 20, 2008: CDC State Preparedness Report Highlights Progress and Challenges
- February 15, 2008: Seasonal Flu Update
- February 14, 2008: CDC and FEMA Discuss Preliminary Test Results from Trailers and Mobile Homes in Louisiana and Mississippi
- February 14, 2008: CDC to Discuss “Choking Game” Study
- February 8, 2008: Update on Seasonal Influenza Activity
- January 17 , 2008: CDC to Launch Study on Unexplained Illness
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