CDC Newsroom Archives
Press Releases
- December 21, 2001: Anthrax vaccine: Backgrounder/Advisory
- December 21, 2001: Anthrax Vaccine Consent Forms
- December 14, 2001: CDC Releases 1999 Assisted Reproductive Technology Report
- December 12, 2001: Pro-Athletes Help CDC Launch Tobacco-Free Sports Playbook
- December 10, 2001: The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Votes to Temporarily Revise Recommendations for Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and Votes to Continue Previously Issued DTaP Recommendations
- December 7, 2001: New CDC Guidelines Help Schools Prevent Injuries Among Children and Adolescents
- December 4, 2001: Study Finds School-Associated Violent Deaths Rare, Fewer Events But More Deaths Per Event
- November 30, 2001: The Guide to Community Preventive Services strongly recommends community water fluoridation and school-based sealant programs to prevent tooth decay
- November 28, 2001/6:00PM, EST: CDC Update: Chile anthrax investigation, telebriefing 11/29/01
- November 28, 2001: U.S. Syphilis Rate Declines to All-Time Low in 2000 (PDF - 170K)
- November 26, 2001: CDC Update: CDC Releases Draft Smallpox Response Plan
- November 21, 2001/6:00 PM, EST: CDC Update: Connecticut Anthrax Case and Today’s Telebriefing Transcript and Audio Clip
- November 21, 2001/11:00 AM, EST: CDC Update: Connecticut Anthrax Case Confirmed, New York Subway Samples Negative; MMWR Notice on Minnesota Knee Surgery Cases
- November 16, 2001/6:00 PM, EST: Update: CDC Press Office Hours, Transcript and Audio Clip, Early Release of MMWR
- November 15, 2001/6:00 PM, EST: Update: MMWR Anthrax Update, Transcript and Audio Clip, Telebriefing on November 16, and Case Count
- November 9, 2001/6:00 PM, EST: Update: Telebriefing Cancellation, Transcript and Audio Clip, EID Journal Article, Current Case Count
- November 8, 2001/6:00 PM, EST: Update: Transcript and Audio Clip, New CDC Fact Sheets, Current Case Count
- November 4, 2001/4:30 PM, ET: CDC Update: Smallpox Outbreak Readiness, Current Case Count, and Telebriefings
- November 3, 2001/12:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: Current Case Count, Telebriefings, and CDC Field Staff Status
- November 2, 2001/6:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: Current Case Count and Transcript Available On-Line
- November 1, 2001/6:00 PM ET: CDC Update: Current case count, "Consumer Alert", New York investigations, CDC field staff, and transcript available
- November 1, 2001/12:00 PM ET: CDC Update: Current case count, MMWR anthrax updates, Transcript available
- October 31, 2001/6:00 PM ET: CDC Update: Current case count, Spanish language video and transcript, Halloween safety
- October 30, 2001/6:00 PM, ET: CDC Update for Ongoing Anthrax Investigations
- October 30, 2001/11:30 AM, ET: CDC Update for Ongoing Anthrax Investigations
- October 29, 2001/8:00 PM, ET: CDC Update for Ongoing Anthrax Investigations
- October 28, 2001/4:30 PM, ET: CDC Update: Current Anthrax Case Count and Halloween Safety
- October 27, 2001/12:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: Anthrax Vaccine Use, Current Case Count, Transcript Online, Florida Investigation, and Halloween Safety
- October 26, 2001: Diabetes Storyline Awarded CDC Sentinel for Health Award for Daytime Drama
- October 26, 2001/12:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: Current Case Count and Flu Shots and Anthrax Disease
- October 26, 2001/11:00 AM, ET: CDC Update: MMWR update, postal worker guidelines, flu vaccine, telebriefing, investigation updates (Florida and New Jersey)
- October 25, 2001/6:00 PM, ET: Interim guidelines for Mail Handlers; Interim Guidelines for First Responders; Transcript: Telebriefing 10-25-01
- October 25, 2001/12:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: MMWR update, postal worker guidelines, flu vaccine, telebriefing, investigation updates (Florida and New Jersey)
- October 23, 2001/3:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: CDC Summary of Confirmed Cases of Anthrax and Background Information
- October 22, 2001/6:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: CDC Case Definition of Anthrax and Summary of Confirmed Cases
- October 21, 2001/6:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: CDC Case Definition of Anthrax and Summary of Confirmed Cases
- October 20, 2001/2:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: CDC Case Definition of Anthrax and Summary of Confirmed Cases
- October 19, 2001/2:00 PM, ET: CDC Update: Nevada tests negative, HHS press availability
- October 18, 2001: (VIDEO) Dr. Jeffrey P. Koplan, Director of CDC, answers important public health questions about anthrax.
- October 18, 2001/7:30 PM, ET: CDC Update: Confirmed Case in New Jersey, Spanish language information, CDC Director video and transcript, MMWR on anthrax
- October 18, 2001/11:00 AM, ET: CDC Update: Live Satellite and Web Broadcast for Clinicians on Anthrax
- October 17, 2001/8:00 PM, ET: Update: Dr. Jeffrey P. Koplan, Director of CDC answers questions about anthrax on video feed and audio tape
- October 17, 2001/AM: Update: Anthrax Antibiotic Treatments and CDC Disease Detective Status
- October 16, 2001/PM: Update: Facts about anthrax testing and on-going investigations in Florida, Nevada, New York, and Washington, D.C.
- October 16, 2001: Update: Anthrax Investigations, Florida and New York
- October 12, 2001: Update: Public Health Message Regarding Anthrax
- October 11, 2001: Public Health Message Regarding Anthrax Case
- October 11, 2001: Southern and Western States Log Highest Rates of Intimate Partner Homicide
- October 10, 2001: Update Director of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention
- October 9, 2001: CDC Names Soap Opera Storylines From Three Networks as Finalists for the Sentinel for Health Award for Daytime Drama
- October 7, 2001: Update: Public Health Message Regarding Florida Anthrax Case
- October 4, 2001: Public Health Message Regarding Anthrax Case
- September 11, 2001: Twin Epidemics of Diabetes and Obesity Continue to Threaten the Health of Americans CDC Says
- September 10, 2001: HHS Issues Report on Community Health in Rural, Urban Areas
- September 7, 2001: Folic Acid Use Does Not Increase the Risk for Miscarriage
- September 7, 2001: Fact Sheet: Prevalence of Healthy Lifestyle Characteristics - Michigan, 1998-2000
- September 7, 2001: Fact Sheet: State-Specific Trends in High Blood Cholesterol Awareness Among Persons Screened — United States, 1991-1999
- August 31, 2001: Backgrounder: Severe and Fatal Liver Injury Connected to Latent TB Treatment
- August 28, 2001: Smoking During Pregnancy--Rates Drop Steadily in the 1990's, But Among Teen Mothers Progress Has Stalled
- August 24, 2001: Backgrounder: Eliminating Laboratory Errors That Cause Patient Illness and Death
- August 17, 2001: Continuing Need to Prevent Exposures During Pregnancy to Medications Known to Cause Birth Defects
- August 17, 2001: CDC Releases New Guidelines on Fluoride Use to Prevent Tooth Decay
- August 10, 2001: Comprehensive School Programs Boost Smoking Prevention Success Among Oregon Eighth Graders
- July 31, 2001: CDC Names Acting Director for National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention
- July 27, 2001: CDC Updates Evaluation Guidelines for Disease and Injury Tracking Systems
- July 25, 2001: New Study Profiles Women's Use of Health Care
- July 24, 2001: New CDC Report Shows Teen Birth Rate Hits Record Low
- July 24, 2001: CDC Finds Exposure to Suicide Protective in Some Circumstances
- July 20, 2001: CDC to Brief Congress on 50 Years of Disease Investigations by The Epidemic Intelligence Service
- July 17, 2001: Physician Visits Increase for
Older Patients,
Doctors Prescribe More Medications for Patients of All Ages - July 13, 2001: CDC Releases Strategies On How to Help Prevent Illness From Heat Exposure
- July 12, 2001: Syphilis Among Infants Down More Than Half in Three Years
- July 10, 2001: International Report: Violence Pervasive But Preventable
- July 2, 2001: Embargo on Importation of Dracaena Shipped in Standing Water
- June 26, 2001: Mortality Declines for Several Leading Causes of Death in 1999
- June 22, 2001: Fewer Than Half of Americans Receive Some of the Most Valuable Health Care Services
- June 20, 2001: First Atlas of Geographic and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Heart Disease Death Rates for U.S. Men Released
- June 19, 2001: Neural Tube Birth Defects Down by 19 Percent Since Food Fortification
- June 13, 2001: CDC Issues Report on the Top Ten States With the Highest Rates of TB
- June 13, 2001: CDC Involvement in Investigating Adverse Health Effects Associated With Eating Corn Products Potentially Contaminated With the Cry9C Protein in StarLink™ Corn
- June 12, 2001: Teen Pregnancy Rate Reaches Record Low in 1997
- June 8, 2001: CDC Expands Global AIDS Program to the Caribbean and Latin America
- June 1, 2001: 20 Years of AIDS: 450,000 Americans Dead, Over 1 Million Have Been Infected
- May 25, 2001: CDC Releases Strategies to Help Ensure a Safe and Healthy Memorial Day
- May 25, 2001: CDC Study Shows Adult Smoking Rates Falling in Arizona
- May 24, 2001: Forty-three Percent of First Marriages Break-up Within 15 Years
- May 23, 2001: Annual CDC Campaign Reminds Young Americans to Protect Their Skin From the Summer Sun
- May 18, 2001: Recommendations for Preventing Motor Vehicle Deaths
- May 15, 2001: HHS Details Leading HIV/AIDS Physician to Gates Foundation
- May 11, 2001: Fact Sheet: Pregnancy-Related Mortality
- May 11, 2001: CDC Report Highlights Selected Racial and Ethnic Pregnancy-Related Death Rates
- May 10, 2001: Healthcare Coalition Successful in Controlling Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
- May 9, 2001: CDC Calls for Entries in Second Annual Competition for Health Storylines in Daytime Drama
- May 9, 2001: Fact Sheet: Sentinel for Health Award for Daytime Drama
- May 9, 2001: CDC to Introduce Book on Diabetes in Women
- April 27, 2001: Update: Acute Febrile Respiratory Illness Among U.S. Travelers to Mexico
- April 27, 2001: Hospital Stays Grow Shorter, Heart Disease Leading Cause of Hospitalization
- April 27, 2001: National Diabetes Education Program to Launch Hispanic/Latino Nutrition Campaign
- April 20, 2001: CDC Conference Lets Investigators Share First Look at Perplexing Health Concerns
- April 20, 2001: CDC Releases Strategies to Prevent Diseases Transmitted to Humans From Farm Animals
- April 20, 2001: Special MMWR Issue Commemorates 50th Anniversary of the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)
- April 19, 2001: CDC Inaugurates New Facility to Study and Prevent Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
- April 18, 2001: CDC Disease Detectives Come Together at Annual Conference April 23-27 in Atlanta
- April 17, 2001: Higher Order Multiple Births Drop for First Time in a Decade
- April 16, 2001: New Center on Birth Defects and Disabilities Launches Today at CDC
- April 6, 2001: Update: Acute Respiratory Illness Among U.S. Travelers to Mexico
- March 30, 2001: CDC Identifies Nutritional Deficiencies Among Young Children
- March 21, 2001: New CDC Chemical Exposure Report
- March 19, 2001: Health Experts Issue "Principles for Appropriate Antibiotic Use" for Adults With Upper Respiratory Infections
- March 12, 2001: Hospital Use Down But Avoidable Hospitalizations Increase
- March 12, 2001: More American Children and Teens Are Overweight
- March 9, 2001: CDC Says Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates Remain Low
- March 1, 2001: Sudden Cardiac Deaths Are Increasing in Young People, Especially Among Young Women
- February 21, 2001: CDC, PAHO Create Cross-Border Initiative to Address U.S./Mexico Diabetes Epidemic
- February 21, 2001: CDC Study Links Improved Air Quality With Decreased Emergency Visits for Asthma
- February 15, 2001: Federal Report Provides Snapshot of State-Specific Data on Tobacco Control Investments
- February 15, 2001: Newest Disease Detectives Report to CDC
- February 14, 2001: CDC Celebrates 50 Years of Disease Investigations By the Epidemic Intelligence Service
- February 6, 2001: World Bank and CDC sign agreement to improve health in developing and transition countries
- February 5, 2001: 8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections Chicago, February 4-7, 2001
- February 5, 2001: Grants awarded to implement inner-city asthma intervention
- January 26, 2001: Diabetes Rates Rise Another Six Percent in 1999
- January 25, 2001: AMA and U.S. Government Release New Foodborne Illness Physician/Patient Information
- January 16, 2001: New Resource Center Provides a Central Source for Youth Violence and Suicide Prevention Information
- January 16, 2001: CDC Releases First Cervical Cancer Detection Rates by Race and Ethnicity
- January 12, 2001: Fourth Annual Assisted Reproductive Technology Report Released
- January 9, 2001: Obesity Experts Recommend Body Measurements To Predict Chronic Disease
Media Advisories
- April 11, 2001: Media Advisory: EIS Conference
- May 22, 2001: 35th National Immunization Conference
- July 20, 2001: Media Advisory: CDC Briefs Congress on 50 Years of Disease Investigations by Its Epidemic Intelligence Service
- August 17, 2001: Media Advisory: Racial/Ethnic Disparities, Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Cancer Risk, New Screening Technologies to be Highlighted at CDC Cancer Conference
- September 4, 2001: Media Advisory: Women's Health and Pregnancy to be highlighted at CDC National Safe Motherhood Summit
- October 24, 2001: Media Advisory: CDC Addresses Public Health Questions About Anthrax
- October 29, 2001: Media Advisory: UPDATE: Public Health Questions About Anthrax
- October 31, 2001: Media Advisory: CDC Provides Flu Vaccine Update
- October 25, 2001/6:00 PM, ET: Anthrax Update: October 25, 2001, Telebriefing Transcript
- December 21, 2001: Flu telebriefing with Dr. Keiji Fukuda
- December 20, 2001: MMWR and Anthrax Update with Drs. Koplan, Sokas and Sanderson
- December 18, 2001: Telebriefing transcript: Dec. 18 HHS call with Sec. Thompson, and Drs. Koplan, Fauci and Henderson
- December 15, 2001: Full transcript: Dec. 15 meeting: Optimizing Post-Exposure Prevention of Inhalation Anthrax: Issues and Options
- December 13, 2001: "CDC Responds to Anthrax" Video News release
- December 13, 2001: MMWR Update about Smoking with Dr. Terry Pechacek
- December 12, 2001: Update: Anthrax Research Agenda
- December 7, 2001: Flu Update with Dr. Carolyn Bridges
- December 6, 2001: Update: MMWR and Anthrax Investigation Update with Drs. Koplan and Gerberding
- December 4, 2001: School Associated Violent Deaths Study
- December 3, 2001: Anthrax Update: Telebriefing transcript with Secretary Tommy G. Thompson and Dr. Jeffrey Koplan
- November 30, 2001: CDC Update: Anthrax Investigation Telebriefing Transcript
- November 29, 2001: CDC - MMWR Topics
- November 26, 2001: CDC - Interim Smallpox Response Plan and Guidelines Conference Call
- November 21, 2001: HHS Conference Call Transcript: Sec. Tommy Thompson, Dr. D.A. Henderson, Dr. Jeffrey Koplan, and Dr. Tony Fauci
- November 16, 2001: Update on Anthrax Investigations with Drs. Bradley Perkins and Tanja Popovic
- November 15, 2001: Update on Anthrax Investigations with Dr. Julie Gerberding
- November 14, 2001: Update on Anthrax Investigations with Drs. Jim Hughes and Julie Gerberding
- November 13, 2001: Update on Anthrax Investigations with Drs. Jeffrey Koplan and Steven Ostroff
- November 9, 2001: Update on Anthrax Investigations with Dr. Bradley Perkins
- November 8, 2001: Update on Anthrax Investigations with Drs. Keiji Fukuda and Julie Gerberding
- November 7, 2001: Update on Anthrax Investigations with Drs. Jeffrey Koplan and Julie Gerberding
- November 5, 2001: Update on Anthrax Investigations with Dr. Bradley Perkins
- November 2, 2001: Update on Anthrax Investigations with Dr. Bradley Perkins
- November 1, 2001: MMWR Update on Anthrax Investigations with Dr. Julie Gerberding
- October 31, 2001: Flu Telebriefing with Dr. Keiji Fukuda
- October 30, 2001: Anthrax Update: Telebriefing Transcript with HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson
- October 29, 2001: Anthrax Update: Telebriefing Transcript with Anthrax Specialist Dr. Bradley Perkins
- October 26, 2001: Anthrax Update: Telebriefing Transcript
- October 25, 2001: Anthrax Update: Telebriefing Transcript
- October 19, 2001: A Brief Message from Dr. José Cordero
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