CDC Newsroom Archives
Press Releases
- November 27, 2012 More than half of young HIV-infected Americans are not aware of their status
- November 20, 2012 Secondhand smoke inside airports puts air travelers and employees at risk
- November 15, 2012 60 percent of America's biggest cities are now smoke-free
- November 15, 2012 Diagnosed diabetes grows at a dramatic rate throughout the United States
- November 14, 2012 Disparities in breast cancer continue among U.S. women
- October 5, 2012 Update on Nationwide Meningitis Outbreak
- October 4, 2012 CDC study shows 54 percent decrease in teen drinking and driving since 1991
- September 17, 2012 Million Hearts Recognizes Health Systems' Success in Helping Patients Control High Blood Pressure
- September 5, 2012 Million Hearts Launches New Educational Program to Improve Americans' Blood Pressure Control
- September 4, 2012 High blood pressure is out of control for too many Americans
- August 29, 2012 Children with neurologic disorders at high risk of death from flu
- August 16, 2012 CDC Now Recommends All Baby Boomers Receive One-Time Hepatitis C Test
- August 9, 2012 CDC No Longer Recommends Oral Drug for Gonorrhea Treatment
- August 9, 2012 Gradual drop in youth tobacco use continues, but significant problem areas remain
- August 7, 2012 Six in 10 adults now get physically active by walking
- August 2, 2012 Drop in cigarette consumption offset by increases in other forms of smoked tobacco
- August 1, 2012 CDC: Amazon study finds routine rabies exposures
- August 1, 2012 West Nile virus disease cases up this year
- July 27, 2012 HHS seeks new apps to help consumers determine, reduce heart risk
- July 25, 2012 CDC reports progress, innovations and challenges in scaling-up Prevention of Mother-to-Child-Transmission (PMTCT) efforts in Africa
- July 24, 2012 New CDC studies point to better practices in timing, testing, and retention of patients in HIV anti-retroviral drug treatment (ART) in Africa
- July 23, 2012 CDC helps increase countries' skills in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs through collaborative research, training and mentoring in Africa
- July 3, 2012 Methadone linked to 30 percent of prescription painkiller overdose deaths
- July 2, 2012 HHS grants bolster health care and public health disaster preparedness
- June 26, 2012 Innovative CDC Effort Expands HIV Testing into Pharmacies
- June 20, 2012 New CDC test for dengue approved
- June 14, 2012 Landmark ad campaign yields almost 200,000 more calls to state quitlines after 12 weeks
- June 14, 2012 Nearly half of U.S. adults were not receiving key preventive health services before 2010
- May 30, 2012 Surgeon General Announces Video Contest Winners
- May 22, 2012 Heart disease and stroke deaths drop significantly for people with diabetes
- May 18, 2012 CDC Announces First Ever National Hepatitis Testing Day and Proposes that All Baby Boomers Be Tested Once for Hepatitis C
- May 16, 2012 Higher education and income levels keys to better health, according to annual report on nation's health
- May 15, 2012 Survey reveals growing national impact of asthma
- May 15, 2012 Task Force recommends team-based care for improving blood pressure control
- May 10, 2012 High-risk behaviors for skin cancer common among young adults
- May 9, 2012 CDC recognizes obesity prevention and control initiatives with Pioneering Innovation awards
- April 16, 2012 Death rates from unintentional injury among children dropped by nearly 30 percent in 10 years
- April 02, 2012 Calls to quitline hit record high after CDC national tobacco ad campaign launch
- April 02, 2012 CDC report finds U.S. population has good levels of some essential vitamins and nutrients
- March 29, 2012 CDC estimates 1 in 88 children in United States has been identified as having an autism spectrum disorder
- March 28, 2012 Report to the nation finds continuing declines in cancer death rates since the early 1990s
- March 15, 2012 CDC ad campaign reveals harsh reality of smoking-related diseases
- March 14, 2012 CDC research shows outbreaks linked to imported foods increasing
- March 14, 2012 Deaths from gastroenteritis double
- March 13, 2012 National Estimate Shows Not Enough Young Women Tested for Chlamydia
- March 12, 2012 Smartphones more accurate, faster, cheaper for disease surveillance
- March 8, 2012 New CDC Campaign Aims to Stem HIV Crisis among Black Women
- March 6, 2012 Life-threatening germ poses threat across medical facilities
- February 27, 2012 PAHO, CDC publish guide on preparing for chikungunya virus introduction in the Americas
- February 27, 2012 New influenza virus discovered in Guatemalan fruit bats
- February 21, 2012 Majority of dairy-related disease outbreaks linked to raw milk
- February 8, 2012 CDC study finds levels of trans-fatty acids in blood of U.S. white adults has decreased
- February 7, 2012 Nine in 10 U.S. adults get too much sodium every day
- February 1, 2012 Child abuse and neglect cost the United States $124 billion
- January 26, 2012 Study finds racial and ethnic disparities in US cancer screening rates
- January 26, 2012 CDC study explores role of drugs, drive-by shootings, and other crimes in gang homicides
- January 24, 2012 CDC report finds large decline in lower-limb amputations among U.S. adults with diagnosed diabetes
- January 10, 2012 Binge drinking is bigger problem than previously thought
- January 4, 2012 CDC Awards $339 Million to Health Departments for High-Impact HIV Prevention
- Fact Sheet
Media Advisories
- November 30, 2012 Telebriefing on U.S. Influenza Activity and Vaccination Rates for Current Season
- November 27, 2012 HIV Infection, Testing, and Risk Behaviors among Youths—United States
- November 14, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report on Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer
- November 8, 2012 CDC announces release of important policy statement and national polling results on antibiotic resistance Get Smart About Antibiotics Week is November 12-18, 2012
- October 24, 2012 CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommends HibMenCY for Infants at Increased Risk for Meningococcal Disease
- October 24, 2012 CDC Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices Recommends Tdap Immunization for Pregnant Women
- October 23, 2012 CDC Hosts First Twitter Live Chat on Intimate Partner Violence
- October 22, 2012 CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Meeting
- October 12, 2012 CDC Releases First FluView Report for 2012-2013 Influenza Season
- October 11, 2012 CDC, FDA, Massachusetts Department of Public Health Joint Telebriefing Updating Investigation of Meningitis Outbreak
- October 4, 2012 CDC and FDA Joint Telebriefing on Investigation of Meningitis Outbreak
- October 4, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report on Drinking and Driving Among High School Students
- September 12, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on West Nile Virus Update
- September 5, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on West Nile Virus Update
- September 4, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report on Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure
- August 29, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on West Nile Virus Update
- August 22, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on West Nile Virus Update
- August 10, 2012 2011 State Obesity Map Now Available
- August 9, 2012 CDC Update: Influenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus
- August 7, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Walking Among Adults — United States, 2005 and 2010
- August 3, 2012 CDC Sponsors Conference on Health in the Arctic
- August 3, 2012 CDC Update: Influenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus
- July 18, 2012 CDC Telebriefing: Pertussis Epidemic in Washington State - 2012
- July 3, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Risk for Overdose from Methadone Used for Pain Relief — United States, 1999–2010
- June 14, 2012 CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Meeting
- June 7, 2012 CDC Adds Cell Phone Data to Annual Behavior Survey
- June 6, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey
- May 7, 2012 Weight of the Nation Telebriefing
- April 25, 2012 CDC to Host Second Weight of the Nation Conference to Address Obesity
- April 19, 2012 CDC issues state health care-associated infection report
- April 19, 2012 CDC Telebriefing: Measles — United States, 2011
- April 16, 2012 CDC Media Advisory on Vital Signs Report: Unintentional Injury Deaths Among Persons Aged 0–19 Years — United States, 2000–2009
- April 16, 2012 CDC 61st Annual Epidemic Intelligence Services (EIS) Conference Begins Today
- Conference Presentation Highlights , 818KB)
- March 29, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- March 13, 2012 Tips from Former Smokers Campaign Launch
- March 5, 2012 CDC Media Advisory on Vital Signs Report: Preventing clostridium difficile Infections
- February 23, 2012 CDC Telebriefing: Influenza Update
- February 7, 2012 CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Food Categories Contributing the Most to Sodium Consumption – United States, 2007-2008
- February 6, 2012 CDC and Partners Host International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases
- January 27, 2012 Announcing New Summer Programs for Students
- January 9, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Binge Drinking
- May 24, 2012: Tips from Former Smokers Share Harsh Realities
- May 15, 2012: Task Force recommends team-based care for improving blood pressure control
- May 3, 2012: CDC/ATSDR Hydraulic Fracturing Statement
- February 6, 2012: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
- PDF Version, 6.86MB)
- December 3, 2012: Telebriefing on U.S. Influenza Activity and Vaccination Rates for Current Season
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.97MB)
- November 27, 2012: Vital Signs: HIV Infection, Testing, and Risk Behaviors among Youths—United States
- Audio recording (MP3, 8.28MB)
- November 14, 2012: Vital Signs: Disparities in breast cancer continue among U.S. women
- Audio recording (MP3, 2.52MB)
- October 11, 2012: CDC, FDA, Massachusetts Department of Public Health Joint Telebriefing Updating Investigation of Meningitis Outbreak
- Audio recording (MP3, 16MB)
- October 4, 2012: CDC and FDA Joint Telebriefing on Investigation of Meningitis Outbreak
- Audio recording (MP3, 11MB)
- October 3, 2012: Vital Signs: Drinking and Driving Among High School Students Aged > 16 Years — United States, 1991–2011
- Audio recording (MP3, 7.31 MB)
- September 12, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on West Nile Virus Update
- Audio recording (MP3, 9.1 MB)
- September 5, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on West Nile Virus Update
- Audio recording (MP3, 10.1 MB)
- September 4, 2012: CDC Vital Signs: High blood pressure is out of control for too many Americans, Telebriefing
- Audio recording (MP3, 5MB)
- August 29, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on West Nile Virus Update
- Audio recording (MP3, 9.9MB)
- August 22, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on West Nile Virus Update
- Audio recording (MP3, 9.0MB)
- August 9, 2012: CDC Telebriefing: Update on H3N2v Cases
- August 7, 2012: CDC Vital Signs: Walking Among Adults — United States, 2005 and 2010 Telebriefing
- Audio recording (MP3, 2.7MB)
- August 3, 2012: CDC Telebriefing: Influenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus
- Audio recording (MP3, 12.3MB)
- July 19, 2012: CDC Telebriefing: Pertussis Epidemic in Washington State - 2012
- Audio recording (MP3, 6.84MB)
- July 3, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report:Risk for Overdose from Methadone Used for Pain Relief — United states, 1999–2010
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.16MB)
- June 7, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey - 2012
- Audio recording (MP3, 4.78MB)
- May 7, 2012: CDC Weight of the Nation Press Briefing
- Audio recording (MP3, 7.43MB)
- April 19, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on Measles — United States, 2011
- Audio recording (MP3, 6.06MB)
- April 16, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on Unintentional Injury Deaths Among Persons Aged 0–19 Years — United States, 2000–2009
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.61MB)
- March 29, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Audio recording (MP3, 85MB)
- March 6, 2012: Vital Signs: Preventing C Difficile Infections
- Audio recording (MP3, 5.45MB)
- February 23, 2012: CDC Telebriefing: Influenza Activity Update
- Audio recording (MP3, 3.70MB)
- February 7, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Sodium Consumption
- Audio recording (MP3, 3.66MB)
- January 10, 2012: CDC Telebriefing on Vital Signs Report: Binge Drinking
- Audio recording (MP3, 6.86MB)
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