CDC Newsroom Archives
Press Releases
- December 21, 2005: CDC Report Shows that Age Continues to be a Major Factor in Determining Success of Assisted Reproductive Technology
- December 8, 2005: Obesity, High Blood Pressure Impacting Many U.S. Adults Ages 55-64
- December 1, 2005: Statement by Dr. Julie Gerberding, CDC Director, World AIDS Day, December 1, 2005
- November 23, 2005: CDC Director Announces New Center Directors
- November 22, 2005: CDC Modernizing Control of Communicable Diseases Regulations
- November 17, 2005: Fact Sheet: New HIV Diagnoses, 33 States, 2001-2004
- November 10, 2005: Lower Adult Smoking Rates with More Adults Quitting; Levels Still Below Nation's Goal for 2010
- November 9, 2005: First HHS Funds Awarded in Support of President’s Initiative to Prevent and Reduce Deaths in Africa
- November 9, 2005: Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice Recommends Adult Vaccination with New Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis Vaccine (Tdap)
- November 8, 2005: New CDC Data Show Syphilis Increasing in Men
- October 28, 2005: CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Expands Hepatitis A Vaccination for Children
- October 28, 2005: Fact Sheet: Preliminary Births Data for 2004
- October 26, 2005: Fact Sheet: Number of Americans with Diabetes Continues to Increase
- October 25, 2005: CDC Study Documents High Costs and Impact of Intimate Partner Violence
- October 24, 2005: CDC Reports that Nation’s Influenza Vaccine Supplies Continue to Increase; Advises Broadening of Vaccination Efforts
- October 20, 2005: 1918 Pandemic Influenza Virus Declared a Select Agent
- October 10, 2005: Update from the CDC: Hurricane Response Updates
- October 5, 2005: Researchers Reconstruct 1918 Pandemic Influenza Virus; Effort Designed to Advance Preparedness
- September 30, 2005: CDC Working to Improve Ability to Use Technology and Communication to Improve Health; First Grants to Establish Centers of Excellence are Awarded
- September 22, 2005: CDC Announces New Initiative to Help High School Coaches Recognize and Manage Concussions
- September 9, 2005: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Sponsors the Second International Conference on Birth Defects and Disabilities in the Developing World
- August 25, 2005: New Report Finds
Improvements in
Oral Health of Americans
- July 26, 2005: Childhood Immunization
Rates Surpass
Healthy People 2010 Goal - July 21, 2005: CDC Releases Extensive Survey of Americans’ Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
- July 18, 2005: CDC and Fort Dodge
Animal Health Achieve
First Licensed DNA Vaccine - July 14, 2005: New Study Demonstrates Simple Handwashing with Soap Can Save Children’s Lives
- July 14, 2005: Statement from Dr. Julie
Gerberding, CDC Director, regarding Harvard School of Public Health
opinion poll on obesity attitudes - July 12, 2005: CDC: New Data Show Heavy Impact of Chlamydia on U.S. Men and Women, Particularly Young People
- July 7, 2005: CDC Director Announces New Center Directors
- June 30, 2005: Smoking Deaths Cost Nation $92 Billion in Lost Productivity Annually
- June 29, 2005: Health Insurance Coverage for Children up in 2004; Number of Uninsured Adults Stable
- June 20, 2005: Nation's First Human Case of West Nile in 2005 Reported to CDC
- June 14, 2005: Fact Sheet: More Boys Born Than Girls
- June 14, 2005: CDC's National Leadership Role in Addressing Obesity
- June 1, 2005: CDC Issues Recommendations for Lead Poisoning Prevention in Newly Arrived Refugee Children
- May 26, 2005: CDC Recommends Meningococcal Vaccine for Adolescents and College Freshmen
- May 26, 2005: The Percentage of U.S.
Adults Who Smoke
Continues to Decline World No Tobacco Day is May 31 - May 26, 2005: Visits to U.S. Emergency Departments at All-Time High; Number of Departments Shrinking
- May 24, 2005: For First Time Ever, CDC Travel Health Book Now More Widely Available
- May 19, 2005: African Americans and People Living in Southeast U.S. More Likely to Have a Stroke
- May 17, 2005: Fact Sheet: The Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke Among American Indians and Alaska Natives 2005
- May 16, 2005: Parent, Pregnancy, and Birth Factors Found Possible Associations with the Risk of Autism
- May 10, 2005: Women More Likely to Undergo Cervical Cancer Screening if Recommended by a Physician
- May 3, 2005: Office of the Surgeon General, CDC, and Eva LaRue Join Mother's Day Celebration; Highlight Steps Women Should Take To Give Children a Healthy Start
- April 29, 2005: CDC Joins National Campaign to Save 100,000 Lives Through Health Care Improvement
- April 28, 2005: Fact Sheet: Pocket Pets Pose Salmonella Risk
- April 28, 2005: CDC Adopts New
Repellent Guidance for
Upcoming Mosquito Season - April 22, 2005: CDC Releases First National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) Data
- April 22, 2005: National Infant
Immunization Week
Urges Parents to Vaccinate - April 21, 2005: Partner Statements
- April 21, 2005: CDC at Work Today! Best Business Practices
- April 21, 2005: CDC Readies for 21st Century Health Threats
- April 19, 2005: Fact Sheet: CDC Efforts to Reduce or Prevent Obesity
- April 14, 2005: Foodborne Illnesses Continue Downward Trend: 2010 Health Goals for E. Coli 0157 Reached
- March 31, 2005: Targeting and Collaborations a Big Success; Priority Groups Received Majority of 2004-05 Influenza Vaccine Thanks to 17 Million Healthy Americans Stepping Aside
- March 21, 2005: Rubella No Longer Major Public Health Threat in the United States
- March 17, 2005: Fact Sheet: Tuberculosis in the United States, 2004
- March 15, 2005: New Study Shows Limited Use of Electronic Medical Records
- March 14, 2005: Health Experts, Nongovernmental Leaders Begin First National Initiative to Promote Healthy Swimming
- March 7, 2005: Update from CDC Smallpox Vaccination Program Report
- March 3, 2005: CDC Announces First Ever Agency-Wide Research Agenda
- February 28, 2005: CDC Advisory Committee Offers Guidance to States on Developing Systems for Public Reporting of Healthcare-Associated Infections
- February 28, 2005: Fact Sheet: Life Expectancy Hits Record High
- February 24, 2005: Study: Hypothermia-Related Deaths — United States, 2003-2004
- February 22, 2005: Dr. Gerberding’s
remarks at the National Press Club conference.
CDC: Protecting Health for Life (PDF, 11 MB) - February 22, 2005: CDC Launches “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Campaign
- February 17, 2005: Fact Sheet: Motor Vehicle Backover Injury Among Children and Youth— United States, 2001-2003
- February 10, 2005: CDC: Influenza Vaccine was used for Priority Groups
- January 31, 2005: CDC Breaks Ground on New Lifestyle Center, Dedicates New Streetscape
- January 27, 2005: CDC Announces New Strategies to Promote Continued Influenza Vaccination
- January 24, 2005: More Babies Born at Very Low Birth Weight Linked to Rise in Infant Mortality in 2002
- January 20, 2005: CDC Issues Updated Guidelines on Use of Antiretroviral Drugs to Prevent HIV Infection After Sexual, Drug Use, and Accidental Exposure
- January 20, 2005: Fact Sheet: Study: Unintentional Non-Fire-Related Carbon Monoxide Exposures — United States, 2001–2003
- January 20, 2005: Fact Sheet: CDC Report Finds Refugee Children at High Risk for Lead Exposure
- January 17, 2005: Fact Sheet: Colorectal Cancer Screening among Adults Aged 50 or Older: Implementation of Fecal Occult Blood Testing in Clinical Practice
- January 7, 2005: Latest CDC Report Offers More Evidence that a Woman’s Age is a Major Factor in Determining Success of Assisted Reproductive Technology
- January 6, 2005: CDC Issues Public Reminder About Proper Antibiotic Use
Media Advisories
- January 27, 2005: CDC Announces New Strategies to Promote Continued Influenza Vaccination
- February 28, 2005: CDC Advisory Committee Offers Guidance to States on Developing Systems for Public Reporting of Healthcare-Associated Infections
- March 21, 2005: CDC Announces Rubella, Once a Major Cause of Birth Defects, Is No Longer a Health Threat in the U.S.
- April 13, 2005: Update on Distribution of H2N2 Influenza Strain
- April 14, 2005: Release of Preliminary Foodborne Illness Data for 2004
- April 21, 2005: Update on H2N2 and Announcements Related to CDC's New Organizational Structure
- April 28, 2005: CDC Adopts New Repellent Guidelines for Upcoming Mosquito Season
- June 2, 2005: Overweight and Obesity: Clearing the Confusion
- July 19, 2005: Media Briefing on Vaccines and Child Health
- July 21, 2005: Third National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
- September 26, 2005: Media Briefing on Canine Influenza
- September 28, 2005: Update on Health Issues Related to Mold, Mildew and Mud in Hurricane and Flood Affected Areas
- November 10, 2005: Update on Influenza Vaccine Supply and Distribution
- November 22, 2005: CDC Modernizing Control of Communicable Diseases Regulations
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