CDC Newsroom Archives
Press Releases
- December 31, 2002: New State Data Show Obesity and Diabetes Still On the Rise
- December 20, 2002: CDC Releases "2000 Assisted Reproductive Technology Report"
- December 19, 2002: HHS and CDC Continuing to Educate Health Care Personnel and General Public About Smallpox
- December 18, 2002: CDC Breaks Ground on New Scientific Communications Center
- December 17, 2002: CDC Prepares Microbiologists for Detecting Increasing Antimicrobial Resistance
- December 12, 2002: CDC Initial Review of State Smallpox Vaccination Plans Complete
- December 11, 2002: American Women Waiting to Begin Families
- December 10, 2002: HHS, USDA Establish New Regulations for Use of Select Biological Agents
- December 10, 2002: Backgrounder: The Select Agent Rule
- December 6, 2002: Fact Sheet: Traumatic Brain Injury
- December 3, 2002: Study Identifies SIDS Risk Factors Among American Indian Infants
- November 26, 2002: CDC Adds New Research Center in Albany to Address Disease Prevention
- November 26, 2002: CDC Adds New Research Center in Iowa to Address Disease Prevention
- November 21, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- November 15, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- November 11, 2000: Federal Agencies Team Up with Business to Ease the Burden of Diabetes at Work
- November 6, 2002: CDC Funds Nine State Coalitions to Address Domestic Violence Prevention
- November 4, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- November 1, 2002: Listeriosis Update
- November 1, 2002: CDC Promotes Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Dialysis Patients
- November 1, 2002: Overall Syphilis Rate Rises for First Time Since 1990
- October 31, 2002: CDC Web Site Now Provides Information on Community Water Fluoridation
- October 28, 2002: New CDC Report Proposes Strategies to Help Schools Manage Asthma
- October 25, 2002: CDC Releases New Hand-hygiene Guidelines
- October 25, 2002: Hand Hygiene Guidelines Fact Sheet
- October 25, 2002: Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) Fact Sheet
- October 24, 2002: Nonfatal Choking-Related Episodes for Children 0 to 14 years of Age
- October 24, 2002: Arthritis and Chronic Joint Symptoms More Common Than Previously Thought
- October 17, 2002: CDC Announces Issuance of Patent for Detecting the Presence of Lead
- October 15, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- October 9, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- October 8, 2002: CDC Awards Funds for Environmental Public Health Tracking
- October 8, 2002: CDC Names Two New Directors
- October 4, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- October 4, 2002: E.coli O157:H7 Outbreak Investigations
- October 3, 2002: West Nile Virus Update
- October 3, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- October 2, 2002: CDC Provides $1.2 Million to Fund Pilot Program for Early Warning System for Terrorism-Related Illness Outbreaks
- October 1, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- September 27, 2002: Update: Investigations of West Nile Virus Infections in Recipients of Organ Transplantation and Blood Transfusion --- Michigan, 2002
- September 27, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- September 27, 2002: Update on West Nile Virus Investigation
- September 27, 2002: Decline in Sexual Risk Behaviors Among High School Students from 1991-2001
- September 26, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- September 25, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- September 23, 2002: Listeriosis Update
- September 23, 2002: Smallpox Vaccination Clinic Guide
- September 23, 2002: Smallpox Response Plan and Guidelines
- September 19, 2002: Fact Sheet: West Nile Virus Infection in Organ Transplantation and Blood Transfusion Recipients
- September 18, 2002: Update: Listeriosis Outbreak Investigation
- September 18, 2002: HHS Efforts to Reduce Birth Defects Successful
- September 17, 2002: CDC awards $2.4 million to Special Olympics
- September 13, 2002: HHS Awards Additional $6.3 Million to Help States and Cities Fight West Nile Virus
- September 12, 2002: HHS Issues Report Showing Dramatic Improvements in Americans' Health Over Past 50 Years
- September 9, 2002: As Americans Reflect on 9/11, HHS and CDC Continue to Aggressively Prepare the Nation for Another Terrorist Attack
- September 6, 2002: HHS Announces Six New Appointments to CDC Advisory Committee on HIV and STD Prevention
- September 5, 2002: CDC Continues to Track West Nile Virus in United States
- September 3, 2002: CDC Investigation Continues West Nile Virus Possible Transmission Through Organ Transplant
- September 1, 2002: CDC Investigates Possible West Nile Virus Transmission Through Organ Transplant
- August 30, 2002: West Nile Virus Update
- August 30, 2002: External Researchers Given Access to CDC Vaccine Safety Data
- August 30, 2002: Task Force on Community Preventive Services Releases Oral Health Recommendations
- August 29, 2002: Youth Tobacco Use and Exposure is a Global Problem
- August 28, 2002: HHS Awards Additional $6 Million to Help States and Cities Fight West Nile Virus
- August 16, 2002: West Nile Virus Update
- August 13, 2002: Update: E.coli O157:H7 Ground Beef Investigation
- August 12, 2002: West Nile Virus Update
- August 9, 2002: HHS Provides Additional Funds Through CDC to Help States Combat West Nile Virus
- August 8, 2002: Update: E.coli O157:H7 Ground Beef Investigation
- August 6, 2002: Tularemia Outbreak in Prairie Dogs in Texas
- August 6, 2002: Update: E.coli O157:H7 Ground Beef Investigation
- August 5, 2002: The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry to Aid New York City in Establishing a Registry of Those Who May Have Been Exposed to Hazardous Substances from the World Trade Center Collapse
- August 2, 2002: Update: E.coli O157:H7 Ground Beef Investigation
- July 30, 2002: Update: E.coli O157:H7 Ground Beef Investigation
- July 26, 2002: Fact Sheet: Preliminary Results of Review of Brentwood Postal Employees
- July 24, 2002: Study Finds Evidence Prenatal Screening is Most Effective Strategy to Prevent Newborn Strep B Infections
- July 24, 2002: New Report Sheds Light on Trends and Patterns in Marriage, Divorce, and Cohabitation
- July 23, 2002: Update: E.coli O157:H7 Ground Beef Investigation
- July 22, 2002: Update: E.coli O157:H7 Ground Beef Investigation
- July 19, 2002: Backgrounder: E.coli O157:H7 Ground Beef Investigation
- July 18, 2002: CDC Inaugurates Two Laboratories on Chamblee Campus
- July 17, 2002: HHS Launches New Campaign to Encourage Physical Activity and Healthy Behaviors for Kids
- July 12, 2002: Fact Sheet: Infant Mortality
- July 11, 2002: Emerging Epidemics in China and Russia
- July 10, 2002: New CDC Studies Shed Light on Factors Underlying High HIV Infection Rates Among Gay and Bisexual Men
- July 8, 2002: New Low-Cost Technologies Offer Practical Solutions for Developing World
- July 7, 2002: CDC Press Program for XIV International AIDS Conference
- July 7, 2002: HIV Infections in U.S. Newborns Decline 80 Percent Since 1991
- July 7, 2002: Number of U.S. AIDS Cases Remain Stable After Recent Declines
- July 6, 2002: Majority of HIV-Infected Mothers and At-Risk Newborns Receive ZDV Treatment in Groundbreaking Thailand Prevention Program
- July 3, 2002: Julie L. Gerberding, MD, MPH, Named CDC Director and ATSDR Administrator
- July 3, 2002: New CDC Study Shows Stronger State Prevention Activities May Discourage Alcohol-Impaired Driving
- July 3, 2002: Fact Sheet: Injuries/Deaths of Children Left Unattended in or Around Motor Vehicles
- July 1, 2002: Alaska Work Fatalities Dropped Sharply in the 1990s
- June 28, 2002: CDC Funds Seven States To Strengthen Oral Disease Prevention Programs
- June 28, 2002: Fact Sheet: CDC Funds Seven States To Strengthen Oral Disease Prevention Programs
- June 27, 2002: Fact Sheet: Youth Risk Behaviors Surveillance Survey
- June 27, 2002: HHS Report Shows Teens Making More Responsible Decisions
- June 26, 2002: HHS Agencies Team with Academy of General Dentistry to Promote Healthy People 2010 Oral Health Objectives
- June 26, 2002: Study Finds No Association Between Oral Contraceptive Use and Breast Cancer For Women 35 and Over
- June 25, 2002: CDC to Launch New Injury Research Agenda
- June 21, 2002: CDC Releases Hanford Thyroid Disease Study Final Report
- June 18, 2002: Media Advisory: Leading U.S. Tuberculosis Specialists Gather for National Workshop on TB Control
- June 6, 2002: HHS Report Shows Teen Birth Rate Falls to New Record Low in 2001
- June 6, 2002: Fact Sheet: Abortion Surveillance
- June 5, 2002: CDC Announces New Safety Training Tool to Protect Lives in Underground Mine Emergencies
- June 4, 2002: CDC Convenes Regions to Celebrate Progress in Injury Prevention
- June 3, 2002: Fact Sheet: World Congress on Tuberculosis
- May 31, 2002: Fact Sheet: High Blood Pressure
- May 29, 2002: Sports Stars Help to Launch "World No Tobacco Day, 2002"
- May 24, 2002: Fact Sheet: Nonfatal Self-Inflicted Injuries
- May 24, 2002: Fact Sheet: Deaths from Strokes
- May 21, 2002: Esai Morales Joins National Campaign to Reduce Smoking Among Hispanics: "NYPD Blue" Star Will Use Personal Experience to Educate Community
- May 21, 2002: New CDC Report Looks at Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
- May 16, 2002: Teen Smoking Rates Decline Significantly
- May 14, 2002: CDC Fact Sheet: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Status
- May 14, 2002: CDC Fact Sheet: Public Health Infrastructure
- May 14, 2002: Study Examines
Cost-effectiveness of Treatment
Interventions for Type 2 Diabetes - May 10, 2002: HHS Issues Guidelines for Safeguarding Building Ventilation Systems from Terrorist Attacks
- May 9, 2002: Fact Sheet: New CDC Treatment Guidelines Critical to Preventing Health Consequences of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- May 3, 2002: Fact Sheet: Lupus
- May 1, 2002: HHS Urges Community Partnerships to Improve Physical Activity
- May 1, 2002: HHS Promotes Health Through Physical Activity
- April 30, 2002: CDC Reports Dramatic Decrease in Chickenpox Cases and Hospitalizations in Areas with Increasing Use of Vaccine
- April 29, 2002: Rubella Near Elimination in the United States
- April 22, 2002: Visits to the Emergency Department Increase Nationwide
- April 18, 2002: CDC and Florida Department of Health Investigate a Likely Case of New Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease in a U.K. Citizen Residing in the U.S.
- April 18, 2002: Fact Sheet: New Variant CJD
- April 12, 2002: Smoking Costs Nation $150 Billion Each Year in Health Costs, Lost Productivity
- April 12, 2002: Fact Sheet: Traumatic Brain Injury
- April 3, 2002: CDC Releases Study on Non-Traditional Risk Factors for Nearly Lethal Suicide Attempts
- April 3, 2002: Fact Sheet: Report Offers Guidance and Recommendations on Safety of Emergency Responders in Terrorist Events
- March 26, 2002: CDC Promotes Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings
- March 22, 2002: CDC Develops Global Strategy to Fight Infectious Diseases
- March 18, 2002: CDC Releases New Interactive Website for Health Information for International Travel (The Yellow Book)
- March 13, 2002: CDC UPDATE: Case of Cutaneous Anthrax in a Laboratory Worker
- March 12, 2002: CDC Awards Funds to Improve Monitoring of Birth Defects
- March 8, 2002: Fact Sheet: Homicide Risk Among Infants
- March 7, 2002: Teens Still Exposed to Tobacco Ads Despite Advertising Restrictions
- March 5, 2002: CDC Gonorrhea Rates Increased in Hard-Hit Cities
- February 28, 2002: Facts About Health-Related Quality of Life in Puerto Rico, 1996-2000
- February 22, 2002: HHS Secretary Statement
- February 22, 2002: CDC Director Statement
- February 22, 2002: Community Water Fluoridation Now Reaches Nearly Two-Thirds of U.S. Population
- February 15, 2002: Extending the Successful Prevention of Mental Retardation Through Newborn Screening
- February 15, 2002: More Than 60% of Heart Disease Deaths in 1999 Were "Sudden" and Nearly Half Happened Outside of Hospital
- February 12, 2002: Women Are Having More Children, New Report Shows
- February 11, 2002: CDC Highlights Tobacco-Free Sports at Winter Olympics
- February 8, 2002: Fact Sheet: Child Passenger Safety
- February 1, 2002: HHS To Propose New Initiative to Build Healthy Communities
- January 25, 2002: Update: Largest-Ever Deployment of CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service Officers
- January 24, 2002: HHS Report Finds Health Improves for Most Racial, Ethnic Groups But Disparities Remain in Some Areas
- January 24, 2002: Fact Sheet: Emergency Medical System Responses to Suicide-Related Calls - Maine, November 1999 - October 2000
- January 18, 2002: CDC Releases New Bioterrorism Web Resources for Clinicians, Lab Professionals, Public
- January 11, 2002: Fact Sheet: Rapid Assessment of Physical Injuries Related to the Attack on the World Trade Center — New York City, September 11, 2001
Media Advisories
- April 25, 2002: National Immunization Conference
- May 30, 2002: Media Advisory: Smallpox Public Forums
- June 3, 2002: CDC Conference Brings Together Leaders in Public Health Law
- June 14, 2002: CDC hosts "Working Together to Promote Appropriate Antibiotic Use in the Community: CDC and its Partners" Conference
- December 19, 2002: Updates: Smallpox Educational Activities and West Nile Virus
- December 14, 2002: HHS Teleconference On Smallpox Policy
- December 12, 2002: Update on CDC Outbreak Investigation of Norwalk-like Viruses on Cruise Ships
- November 27, 2002: Outbreak of Gastrointestinal Illness Aboard Cruise Ships
- November 21, 2002: Waterborne-Disease Outbreaks on the Rise According to Latest CDC Data
- November 18, 2002: HHS Issues Cancer Incidence Data By State for First Time
- November 14, 2002: Despite the Availability of Vaccine, Rates of Flu and Pneumococcal Shots for Older Americans Remain Low
- October 31, 2002: CDC Reports Latest U.S. Syphilis Trends
- October 25, 2002: CDC Release New Hand Hygiene Guidelines for Healthcare Settings
- October 24, 2002: Arthritis and Chronic Joint Symptoms More Common Than Previously Thought
- October 17, 2002: ACIP Vaccine Meeting Media Briefing
- October 3, 2002: Flu Season Begins; West Nile Virus Investigation Update
- September 27, 2002: West Nile Virus Investigation Update
- September 23, 2002: MMWR Updated Smallpox Response Plan and Guidelines
- September 19, 2002: Update on West Nile Virus Investigation
- September 12, 2002: West Nile Virus Update
- September 9, 2002: 9-11-02 Special Issue Examines Health Effects Related to World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks
- September 5, 2002: West Nile Virus Update
- September 5, 2002: MMWR Examines Health Effects Related to World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks
- September 3, 2002: West Nile Virus Update
- August 27, 2002: CDC's Terrorism Preparedness: One Year Later
- August 22, 2002: West Nile Virus Activity Update
- August 15, 2002: Back to School: CDC Encourages Communities to Create Safer Routes to School; and West Nile Virus Activity Update
- August 8, 2002: Salmonella Outbreak Among Participants at the 2002 Transplant Games and West Nile Virus Update
- August 6, 2002: Outbreak of Tularemia in Commercially Sold Prairie Dogs in Texas
- August 5, 2002: Update: West Nile Virus
- August 1, 2002: MMWR: Women Surpass Men in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Deaths; West Nile Update
- July 25, 2002: MMWR: West Nile Update and E. coli 0157:H7 Contaminated Beef
- July 3, 2002: Simple Precautions Can Help Avoid Heat-Related Illness & Antibiotic Resistant Staph Infection in Michigan
- June 27, 2002: High-School Students Reduce Risky Health Behaviors; Still Room for Improvement
- June 20, 2002: Smallpox vaccine
- June 13, 2002: CDC's MMWR Looks at West Nile Virus Activity
- May 23, 2002: CDC's MMWR Looks at Stroke Mortality and Nonfatal Self-Inflicted Injuries
- May 16, 2002: Teen Smoking Rates Decline Significantly
- May 9, 2002: New CDC Treatment Guidelines Critical to Preventing Health Consequences of STDs
- May 2, 2002: CDC Study Finds Significant Increases in Lupus Deaths Over 20-Year Period
- April 25, 2002: Three Reports Illustrate the Importance of Reducing Workplace Injury
- April 18, 2002: Likely Case of vCJD in UK Citizen in Florida
- April 18, 2002: Major Foodborne Illnesses Post Dramatic Six-Year Decline
- April 11, 2002: MMWR: Infection Caused by Baby Formula and New Data: Mortality & Economic Losses Due to Smoking
- April 4, 2002: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and A Case of Cutaneous Anthrax in a Lab Worker
- March 28, 2002: Progress Toward Global Polio Eradication
- March 21, 2002: World TB Day 2002: New Data on TB Epidemics Worldwide
- March 7, 2002: Drs. Feldman and Hayes Discuss Tularemia
- February 21, 2002: Two CDC Reports Present New Data: Fluoridated Drinking Water and Women With Diabetes
- February 14, 2002: Dr. George Mensah Discusses Sudden Cardiac Deaths
- February 7, 2002: Tuberculosis Morbidity Among U.S.-Born and Foreign-Born Populations with Dr. Ken Castro
- January 31, 2002: Flu Update with Dr. Tim Uyeki, CDC Influenza Expert
- January 24, 2002: HHS Report Finds Health Improves for Most Racial, Ethnic Groups But Disparities Remain in Some Areas
- January 17, 2002: MMWR Lyme Disease - 2000
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