Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2012

Surveillance Report
- Full Report (PDF – 4M)
- Preface (PDF – 479k)
- Executive Commentary (PDF – 222k)
- Technical Notes (PDF – 323k)
NOTE: Click the links below to show or hide the tables for each section.
Surveillance Report Sections
Highlighted Tables
- Table 1. Tuberculosis Cases, Case Rates per 100,000 Population, Deaths, and Death Rates per 100,000 Population, and Percent Change: United States, 1953–2012 (PDF - 183k)
- Table 2. Tuberculosis Cases, Percentages, and Case Rates per 100,000 Population by Hispanic Ethnicity and non-Hispanic Race: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 183k)
- Table 5. Tuberculosis Cases, Percentages, and Case Rates per 100,000 Population by Origin of Birth: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 166k)
- Table 9. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages, by Multidrug Resistance1, Origin of Birth, and Previous History of TB: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 178k)
- Table 30. Tuberculosis Cases and Case Rates per 100,000 Population: Reporting Areas, 2012 and 2011 (PDF - 182k)
Morbidity Trend Tables
- Table 1. Tuberculosis Cases, Case Rates per 100,000 Population, Deaths, and Death Rates per 100,000 Population, and Percent Change: United States, 1953–2012 (PDF - 183k)
- Table 2. Tuberculosis Cases, Percentages, and Case Rates per 100,000 Population by Hispanic Ethnicity and non-Hispanic Race: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 183k)
- Table 3. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Hispanic Ethnicity and non-Hispanic Race, and Origin of Birth: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 192k)
- Table 4. Tuberculosis Cases, Percentages, and Case Rates per 100,000 Population by Age Group: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 176k)
- Table 5. Tuberculosis Cases, Percentages, and Case Rates per 100,000 Population by Origin of Birth: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 166k)
- Table 6. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages Among Foreign-born Persons1 by the Top 30 Countries2 of Birth: United States, 2008–2012 (PDF - 174k)
- Table 7. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Case Verification Criterion and Site of Disease: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 196k)
- Table 8. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages, by Resistance to INH1, Origin of Birth, and Previous History of TB: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 178k)
- Table 9. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages, by Multidrug Resistance1, Origin of Birth, and Previous History of TB: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 178k)
- Table 10. Percentages of Tuberculosis Cases by Initial Drug Regimen, Use of Directly Observed Therapy (DOT), and Completion of Therapy (COT): United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 165k)
- Table 11. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages in Persons with HIV Test Results1 and with HIV Coinfection by Age Group: United States, 1993–2012 (PDF - 168k)
- Table 12. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Reason Tuberculosis Therapy Stopped: United States, 1993–2010 (PDF - 171k)
- Table 13. National Tuberculosis Genotyping Surveillance Coverage1: United States, 2004–2012 (PDF - 158k)
- Table 14. National Tuberculosis Genotyping Surveillance Coverage1: United States Affiliated Pacific Islands2, 2004–2012 (PDF - 180k)
- Table 15. Genotyped Tuberculosis Cases with Mycobacterium bovis1 by Origin of Birth: United States, 2004–2012 (PDF - 195k)
Morbidity Tables, 2012
- Table 16. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages Among Foreign-born Persons1 by the Top 30 Countries of Birth and Years in the United States Before TB Diagnosis: United States, 2012 (PDF - 173k)
- Table 17 Tuberculosis Cases and Rates per 100,000 Population by Hispanic Ethnicity and Non-Hispanic Race, Sex, and Age Group: United States, 2012 (PDF - 214k)
- Table 18. Tuberculosis Cases in U.S.-born Persons by Hispanic Ethnicity and Non-Hispanic Race, Sex, and Age Group: United States, 2012 (PDF - 195k)
- Table 19. Tuberculosis Cases in Foreign-born Persons1 by Hispanic Ethnicity and Non-Hispanic Race, Sex, and Age Group: United States, 2012 (PDF - 195k)
- Table 20. Tuberculosis Cases Among Foreign-born Persons1 by Country of Birth2: United States, 20122: United States, 2011 (PDF - 167k)
- Table 21. Tuberculosis Risk Factors1 by Origin and Race/Ethnicity: United States, 2012 (PDF - 190k)
- Table 22. Epidemiologic Characteristics of Cases in GENType Clusters1 by Alert Levels Based on Log-likelihood Ratios (LLR)2: United States, 2010–2012 (PDF - 192k)
- Table 23. Tuberculosis Cases by Cluster Status1: United States, 2010–2012 (PDF - 154k)
- Table 24. Tuberculosis Cases and Clusters by Cluster Size1: United States, 2010–2012 (PDF - 156k)
- Table 25. Ten Most Frequently Reported GENTypes1 Among Genotyped Tuberculosis Cases: United States, 2010–2012 (PDF - 161k)
- Table 26. Five Most Frequently Reported GENTypes1 Among Genotyped Tuberculosis Cases: United States Affiliated Pacific Islands, 2010–2012 (PDF - 181k)
Morbidity Tables, 2010
- Table 27. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Reason Tuberculosis Therapy Stopped and Type of Move: United States, 2010 (PDF - 161k)
- Table 28. Deaths Prior to Tuberculosis Diagnosis or During Tuberculosis Therapy by Age Group: United States, 2010 (PDF - 164k)
- Table 29. Sputum Culture Conversion by Age Group: United States, 2010 (PDF - 165k)
Morbidity Tables, Reporting Areas, 2012
- Table 30. Tuberculosis Cases and Case Rates per 100,000 Population: Reporting Areas, 2012 and 2011 (PDF - 182k)
- Table 31. Tuberculosis Cases and Case Rates per 100,000 Population, Ranked and Grouped by Number of Cases: United States and the District of Columbia, 2012 and 2011 (PDF - 178k)
- Table 32. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Age Group: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 209k)
- Table 33. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Hispanic Ethnicity and Non-Hispanic Race: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 216k)
- Table 34. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages, U.S.-born and Foreign-born Persons1: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 178k)
- Table 35. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages in Foreign-born Persons1 by Top 7 Countries of Birth: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 213k)
- Table 36. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages in Foreign-born Persons1 by Immigration Status at First Entry: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 215k)
- Table 37. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages in Foreign-born Persons1 by Number of Years in the United States: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 193k)
- Table 38. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Disease: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 185k)
- Table 39. Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Site of Disease: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 218k)
- Table 40. Tuberculosis Risk Factors1: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 250k)
- Table 41. Primary Reasons for Tuberculosis Evaluation1: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 223k)
- Table 42. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Residence in and Type of Correctional Facilities,1 Age ≥15: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 227k)
- Table 43. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Homeless Status,1 Age ≥15: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 176k)
- Table 44. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Residence in Long-term Care Facilities,1 Age ≥15: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 176k)
- Table 45. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Injecting Drug Use,1 Age ≥15: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 176k)
- Table 46. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Noninjecting Drug Use,1 Age ≥15: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 176k)
- Table 47. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Excess Alcohol Use,1 Age ≥15: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 176k)
- Table 48. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Primary Occupation, Age ≥15: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 190k)
- Table 49. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Initial Drug Regimen: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 182k)
- Table 50. Culture-Positive Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages with Drug-Susceptibility Results, by Resistance to INH or Multidrug Resistance: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 179k)
- Table 51. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by HIV Status: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 173k)
- Table 52. Tuberculosis Diagnostic Tests by Type of Laboratory: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 210k)
- Table 53. Tuberculosis Genotyping Surveillance Coverage1: Reporting Areas, 2012 (PDF - 170k)
- Table 54. County-based Tuberculosis Genotype Clusters1 Based on GENType: Reporting Areas, 2010–2012 (PDF - 173k)
Morbidity Tables Reporting Areas, 2010
- Table 55. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Type of Health Care Provider: Reporting Areas, 2010 (PDF - 180k)
- Table 56. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Directly Observed Therapy (DOT): Reporting Areas, 2010 (PDF - 177k)
- Table 57. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Reason Therapy Stopped: Reporting Areas, 2010 (PDF - 202k)
- Table 58. Reason Therapy Was Extended Beyond 12 Months: Reporting Areas, 2010 (PDF - 202k)
- Table 59. Completion of Tuberculosis Therapy (COT) Cases and Percentages1 by Hispanic Ethnicity and Non-Hispanic Race: Reporting Areas, 2010 (PDF - 216k)
- Table 60. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Completion of Tuberculosis Therapy (COT): Reporting Areas, 2010 (PDF - 183k)
- Table 61. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages in Persons Completing Therapy for Whom Therapy Was Indicated for One Year or Less: Reporting Areas, 2006–2010 (PDF - 189k)
Morbidity Tables, Cities and Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 2012
- Table 62. Tuberculosis Cases in Selected Cities1: 2012 and 2011 (PDF - 164k)
- Table 63. Tuberculosis Cases and Case Rates per 100,000 Population: Metropolitan Statistical Areas with ≥500,000 Population, 2012 and 2011 (PDF - 191k)
- Table 64. Tuberculosis Cases by Age Group: Metropolitan Statistical Areas with ≥500,000 Population, 2012 (PDF - 205k)
- Table 65. Tuberculosis Cases by Hispanic Ethnicity and Non-Hispanic Race: Metropolitan Statistical Areas with ≥500,000 Population, 2012 (PDF - 210k)
- Table 66. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages, U.S.-born Persons and Foreign-born Persons1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas with ≥500,000 Population, 2012 (PDF - 202k)
- Table 67. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Homeless Status,1 Age ≥15: Metropolitan Statistical Areas with ≥500,000 Population, 2012 (PDF - 191k)
- Appendix A: Tuberculosis Case Definition for Public Health Surveillance (PDF - 289k)
- Appendix B: Recommendations for Counting Reported Tuberculosis Cases (PDF - 380k)
- Appendix C: National Surveillance for Severe Adverse Events Associated with Treatment for Latent Tuberculosis Infection - Reporting Information (PDF - 258k)
- Appendix D: National Surveillance for Severe Adverse Events Associated with Treatment for Latent Tuberculosis Infection - Reporting Information (PDF - 222k)
Surveillance Slide Set, 2012
- Page last reviewed: September 16, 2013
- Page last updated: January 29, 2014
- Content source: