Evaluation Guides & Toolkits

Program evaluation toolkits, like this sodium reduction outcome evaluation toolkit, provide step-by-step guides for anyone planning or implementing program evaluations.
The evaluation guides and toolkits developed by the CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) provide state and local heart disease and stroke prevention programs with guidelines, examples, and lessons learned for planning and implementing an evaluation.
Evaluation Basics
CDC developed a series of evaluation technical assistance tools to clarify approaches to and methods of evaluation, provide examples, and recommend resources for additional reading.
- Evaluation Reporting
- Writing SMART Objectives
- Developing and Using a Logic Model
- Fundamentals of Evaluating Partnerships
- Practical Strategies for Culturally Competent Evaluation
Program-specific Evaluation Guides and Toolkits
CDC developed guidance documents that are most relevant for specific programs funded by the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention.
WISEWOMAN Program Evaluation Toolkit
This evaluation toolkit was developed to provide guidance, tools, and resources to Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for WOMen Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN) programs to conduct effective and meaningful program evaluation activities. Learn more about the WISEWOMAN program.
Sodium Reduction in Communities Program: Outcome Evaluation Toolkit [PDF-1.7M]
This evaluation toolkit was developed using CDC’s Evaluation Framework to provide guidance and tools for anyone evaluating sodium reduction activities, especially Sodium Reduction in Communities Program awardees, to conduct effective program evaluations. Learn more about the Sodium Reduction in Communities Program.
Calculating Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) for Antihypertensive and Antidiabetic Medications: An Evaluation Guide for Grantees [PDF-911K]
The purpose of this evaluation guide is to provide a resource for evaluators and data analysts to assist with calculating the PDC value for heart disease and diabetes performance measures related to medication adherence. Learn more about the State Public Health Actions program.
Surveillance and Evaluation Data Resource Guide for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs [PDF-682K]
This guide is an at-a-glance compilation of data sources useful for heart disease and stroke prevention programs conducting policy or data surveillance and/or evaluation. It is meant to be used by program managers and evaluators in the planning and evaluation stages of heart disease and stroke prevention programs. Learn more about the State Public Health Actions program.
- Page last reviewed: May 22, 2017
- Page last updated: May 22, 2017
- Content source: