Journal Articles
Read the latest research on heart disease and stroke topics from CDC researchers.
Heart Disease
- Ades P, Keteyian S, Wright J, Hamm L, et al.Increasing Cardiac Rehabilitation Participation From 20% to 70%: A Road Map From the Million Hearts Cardiac Rehabilitation Collaborative[PDF-423K]. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2016 November;
- Greer S, Schieb L, Ritchey M, George M, Casper M.County Health Factors Associated with Avoidable Deaths from Cardiovascular Disease in the United States, 2006–2010 [PDF-3M]. Public Health Reports. 2016 May-June;131:438-448.
- Casper M, Kramer M, Quick H, Schieb L, Vaughan A, Greer S.Changes in the Geographic Patterns of Heart Disease Mortality in the United States, 1973-2010. Circulation. 2016; 133:1171-1180 doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.115.018663.
- View an animated map that reflects the geographic shift in heart disease death rates in the U.S. between 1970 and 2010.
- Vaughan A, Quick H, Pathak EB, Kramer M, Casper M.Disparities in Temporal and Geographic Patterns of Declining Heart Disease Mortality by Race and Sex in the United States, 1973–2010. J Amer. Heart Assoc. 2015 Dec, doi: 10.1161/JAHA.115.002567.
- Yang Q, Yuan K, Gregg E, Loustalot F, Fang J, Hong Y, Merritt R.Trends and clustering of cardiovascular health metrics among US adolescents 1988-2010. J Adolesc Health. 2014 Oct;55(4):513-520. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.03.013.
- Gilboa SM, Lee KA, Cogswell ME, Traven FK, et al.The National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2014 Sep;100(9):647-657.
- Angell SY, Levings JL, Neiman A, Asma S, Merritt R.How Policymakers Can Advance Cardiovascular Health. Scientific American. 2014 June:24–29.
- Ritchey MD, Wall HK, Gillespie C, George MG, Jamal A.Million hearts: prevalence of leading cardiovascular disease risk factors–United States, 2005-2012. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2014 May;63(21):462-467.
- Will JC, Yuan K, Ford ES.National Trends in the Prevalence and Medical History of Angina: 1988–2012. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2014 May;7(3):407-413. doi:10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.113.000779.
- Yang Q, Zhang Z, Gregg EW, Flanders WD, Merritt R, Hu FB.Added sugar intake and cardiovascular diseases mortality among US adults. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 April;174(4):516-524.
- Veazie M, Ayala C, Schieb LJ, Dai S, Henderson JA, Cho P.Trends and disparities in heart disease mortality among American Indians/Alaska Natives, 1990-2009. Am J Public Health. 2014 April;104(S3):S359-S367. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301715.
- Short V, Ivory-Walls T, Smith L, Loustalot F.The Mississippi Delta Cardiovascular Health Examination Survey (Delta CHES): Study design and methods. Epidemiology Research International. 2014 Feb;Article ID 861461.
- Vaid I, Ahmed K, May D, Manheim D. The WISEWOMAN Program: Smoking Prevalence and Key Approaches to Smoking Cessation Among Participants, July 2008–June 2013.Journal of Women’s Health. 2014 Feb;23(4):288-295.
- Will J, Loustalot F, Hong Y.National trends in visits to physician offices and outpatient clinics for angina: 1995-2010. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2014 Jan;7(1):110-117. doi:10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.113.000450.
- Go AS, Mozaffarian D, Roger VL, Benjamin EJ, Berry JD, Blaha MJ, Dai S, Ford ES, Fox CS, Franco S, Fullerton HJ, Gillespie C, et al.Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics–2014 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2014 Dec;129:e28-e292.
- Greer S, Kramer MR, Cook-Smith JN, Casper ML.Metropolitan racial residential segregation and cardiovascular mortality: exploring pathways. J Urban Health. 2014 Oct;91(3):499-509.
- Feigin V, Norrving B, George M, Foltz J, Roth G, Mensah G. Prevention of stroke: a strategic global imperative[PDF-632K]. Nat Rev Neurol 2016;12(9):501–12.
- Greer S, Schieb L, Ritchey M, George M, Casper M. County health factors associated with avoidable deaths from cardiovascular disease in the United States, 2006–2010. Public Health Rep2016;131:438–48.
- Asaithambi G, Tong X, George MG, Tsai AW, Peacock JM, Luepker RV, et al. Acute stroke reperfusion therapy trends in the expanded treatment window era. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis2014;23(9):2316–21.
- Tong X, George MG, Yang Q, Gillespie C. Predictors of in-hospital death and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with thrombolytic therapy: Paul Coverdell Acute Stroke Registry 2008-2012. Int J Stroke2014;9(6):728–34.
- Joo H, George, MG, Fang, J, Wang, G. A literature review of indirect costs associated with stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis2014;23(7):1753–63.
- Schieb LJ, Ayala C, Valderrama AL, Veazie MA. Trends and disparities in stroke mortality by region for American Indians and Alaska Natives.Am J Public Health 2014;104(S3):S368–76.
- Wang G, Zhang Z, Ayala C, Dunet D, Fang, J, George MG. Costs of hospitalization for stroke patients aged 18-64 years in the United States. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis2014;23(5):861–8.
- Fang J, Wheaton AG, Ayala C. Sleep duration and history of stroke among adults from the USA. J Sleep Res2014;23(5):531–7.
- Kulcsar M, Gilchrist S, George M. Improving stroke outcomes in rural areas through telestroke programs: an examination of barriers, facilitators, and state policies. Telemed J E Health2014;20(1):3–10.
- Lackland DT, Roccella EJ, Deutsch AF, Fornage M, George MG, Howard G, et al. Factors influencing the decline in stroke mortality: a statement from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke2014;45(1):315–53.
High Blood Pressure
- George MG, Tong X, Wigington C, Gillespie C, Hong Y.Hypertension screening in children and adolescents—National Ambulatory Medical Care survey, National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care survey, and Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, United States, 2007-2010. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 September;63(Suppl 2):47-53.
- Cosgrove, S, Moore-Monroy, M, Jenkins, Castillo, S, Williams, C, Parris, E, Tran, J, Rivera, M, Brownstein, J.Community Health Workers as an Integral Strategy in the REACH U.S. Program to Eliminate Health Inequities. Health Promotion Practice. 2014 July;15(6):795-802.
- King SC, Pollack LA, Li J, King J, Master V.Continued Increase in Incidence of Renal Cell Carcinoma, Especially in Young Patients and High Grade Disease: United States 2001-2010. The Journal of Urology. 2014 June;191(6):1665–1670.
- Li J, Weir HK, Jim MA, King SM, Wilson R, Master V.Kidney Cancer Incidence and Mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1990-2009. American Journal of Public Health. 2014 Jun;104(S3):S396-S403.
- Fang J, Yang Q, Ayala C, Loustalot F.Disparities in access to care among US adults with self-reported hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension. 2014 May; 27(11):1377-86.doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpu061.
- Go AS, Bauman MA, Coleman King SM, Fonarow GC, Lawrence W, Williams KA, Sanchez E.An effective approach to high blood pressure control: a science advisory from the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2014 May;63(12) and published in Hypertension, 2014;63(4):878-885.
- Patel MM, Datu B, Roman D, Barton MB, Ritchey MD, Wall H, Loustalot F.Progress of health plans toward meeting the Million Hearts clinical target for high blood pressure control — United States, 2010–2012. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2014 Feb;63(06):127-130.
- Will JC, Nwaise IA, Schieb L, Zhong Y.Geographic and racial patterns of preventable hospitalizations for hypertension: medicare beneficiaries, 2004-2009. Public Health Rep. 2014 Jan-Feb;129(1):8-18.
- Frieden TR, King SM, Wright JS.Protocol-based treatment of hypertension: a critical step on the pathway to progress. JAMA. 2014 Jan;311(1):21-22.
- Bardenheier BH, Cogswell ME, Gregg EW, Williams DE, Zhang Z, Geiss, LS.Does Knowing One’s Elevated Glycemic Status Make a Difference in Macronutrient Intake? Diabetes Care. 2014 Sept;37(12):3143-3149. doi: 10.2337/dc14-1342.
- Chatterji P, Joo H, Lahiri K.Examining the education gradient in chronic illness. Education Economic. 2014 Aug;1-16.
- Dai S, Yang Q, Yuan K, Loustalot F, Fang J, Daniels SR, Hong Y.Non-High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Distribution and prevalence of high serum levels in children and adolescents: United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, 2005-2010. Journal of Pediatrics. 2014 Feb;164(2):247-53.
Salt (Sodium)
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Around Sodium
- John K, Cogswell ME, Zhao L, Maalouf J, Gunn J, Merritt, R.US Consumer Attitudes Toward Sodium in Baby and Toddler Foods. Appetite. 2016;171-175.
- Patel D, Cogswell ME, John K, Creel S, Ayala C.Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Related to Sodium Intake and Reduction Among Adult Consumers in the United States. [PDF-548K] American Journal of Health Promotion
- Bi Z, Liang X, Xu A, Wang L, Shi X, Zhao W, et al.Hypertension prevalence, awareness and control and sodium intake in Shandong Province, China: Findings from the baseline survey for the Shandong & Ministry of Health Action on Salt and Hypertension (SMASH) Project. Preventing Chronic Disease 2014; 11:E88. doi: 10.5888/pcd11.130423.
- Patel S, Gunn JP, Tong X, Cogswell ME.Consumer sentiment toward government actions related to reducing sodium in processed and restaurant foods: ConsumerStyles 2010. Am J Prev Med. 2014;46:516–24.
- Patel S, Gunn J, Merlo C, Tong X, Cogswell M.Consumer Support for Policies to Reduce the Sodium Content in School Cafeterias. Journal of Child Nutrition and Management 2014;38(1).
Sodium Content of Foods
- Quader ZS, Zhao L, Gillespie C, et al. Sodium Intake Among Persons Aged ≥2 Years—United States, 2013–2014.MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;66:324–238. DOI:
- Gillespie C, Gunn J, Mugavero K, Cogswell M, Quader Z, et al.Sodium Intake among US School-Aged Children: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2012. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Diatetics. 2016; DOI:
- Cogswell M, Gunn J, Keming Y, Park S, Merritt R.Sodium and Sugar in Complementary Infant and Toddler Foods Sold in the United States. Pediatrics. February 2015.
- Cogswell M, Yuan K, Gunn J, Gillespie C, Sliwa S, Galuska D, et al.Vital Signs: Sodium Intake Among U.S. School-Aged Children— 2009–2010. MMWR. 2014;63:1-9.
- Greer S. Schieb L. Schwartz G. Onufrak S, Park S.Association of the neighborhood retail food environment with sodium and potassium intake among US adults. PCD 2014;11:130340.
Sodium Reduction Efforts
- Cogswell ME, Mugavero K, Bowman, BA, Frieden TR.Dietary Sodium and Cardiovascular Disease Risk – Measurement Matters. New England Journal of Medicine 2016; DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsb1607161.
- Angell SY, Levings JL, Neiman A, Asma S, Merritt R. “How Policymakers Can Advance Cardiovascular Health.”Scientific American June 2014:24–29.
- Kane H, Strazza K, Losby JL, Mugavero K, Lane R,; Anater AS, Frost C,; Margolis M, Hersey J.Lessons Learned from Community-Based Approaches to Sodium Reduction. Amer J Health Promotion February 2014.
- Levings JL, Gunn JP.From menu to mouth: opportunities for sodium reduction in restaurants. Prev Chronic Dis. 2014;11:130237.
- Public health interventions to reduce sodium intake.J Public Health Manag Pract. 2014;20(suppl 1):S1–S58. Includes articles from the Sodium Reduction in Communities Program sites and CDC.
- Levings JL, Gunn JP.Sodium and Potassium Intake: Implications for Dietetic Practice. JAND 2014; 114(6):838–841.
Studies of Sodium Intake
- Fang J, Cogswell ME, Park S, Jackson SL, et al.Sodium Intake Among U.S. Adults—26 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, 2013. MMWR 2015;64(25);695-698.
- Pfeiffer CM, Hughes JP, Cogswell ME, Burt VL, Lacher DA, LaVoie DJ, Rabinowitz DJ, Johnson CL, Pirkle JL.Urine Sodium Excretion Increased Slightly Among U.S. Adults between 1988 and 2010. J Nutr 2014;144(5):698-705.

- Page last reviewed: August 21, 2017
- Page last updated: August 21, 2017
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