Publications & Research

The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) offers resources for health care professionals, pharmacists, community health workers, employers, and the public. You can search the Publications & Research section for guides, toolkits, summaries of recent research, podcasts, and much more to support your heart disease and stroke prevention programs.
Featured Resources

Vital Signs: Preventing Stroke Deaths
About 80% of strokes are preventable. Yet new data shows that after decades of decline, progress has slowed in preventing stroke deaths in 3 out of 4 U.S. states. Learn what health care systems, health professionals, and everyone can do to prevent strokes and stroke death.

Increasing the Use of Collaborative Practice Agreements Between Prescribers and Pharmacists [PDF – 2 MB]
This brief describes how collaborative practice agreements can increase patient access to health care by empowering pharmacists to practice as an extension of physicians and other prescribers to help patients manage or prevent chronic diseases.

A Summary of State Community Health Worker Laws (2016) [PDF – 1 MB]
This document describes how states use law as a tool to develop sustainable CHW programs.

SIB Feature: Strategies and Emerging Interventions for Improving Medication Adherence [PDF – 167 KB]
This Science-in-Brief Feature shares strategies and interventions to help public health professionals and health systems improve medication adherence.

SIB: Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Strokes in Younger Adults [PDF – 771 KB]
This Science-in-Brief highlights a June 2017 study on the rising number of strokes in younger adults.
- Page last reviewed: September 25, 2017
- Page last updated: September 25, 2017
- Content source: