Workbook Templates Developed for ECHPP

  image of a conference roomTools were developed to support 3 major steps of the ECHPP planning process:

1) Situational Analysis
First, the health department catalogued the current prevention activities taking place across the jurisdiction (using 24 intervention categories from the ECHPP FOA). It is intended to be broad and to examine activities that encompass HIV prevention, care and treatment. It includes topics such as collaborations and opportunities for leveraging of resources, specific needs to be addressed in the plan, as well as priority communities and populations.

2) Goal Setting
Based on the results of the Situational Analysis, grantees identified HIV prevention activities that would have an impact to reduce new HIV infections, increase care and improve health outcomes for persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs), and reduce HIVâ€گrelated disparities. Goals were developed to implement, scale up, or scale down these activities to try to achieve an optimal impact on the HIV epidemic.

3) Objectives & Target-Focused Synthesis
Grantees then develop specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based (SMART) Objectives to articulate how each goal will be achieved. A data source is also identified for monitoring progress towards achieving implementation goals.

Grantees were then asked to describe how the elements in their plan worked in combination to increase impact and support reaching strategic goals for 2015 based on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and the DHAP strategic plan.

Workbook Templates

The following tools were developed specifically for this project to guide grantees through plan development and to serve as a template for documenting the results of the planning effort. Editing these templates was permitted. Some direction on use is included within each template. Below are some general descriptions of the primary ECHPP Workbooks.

Workbook 1 [206 KB]

Workbook 1 documents steps 1 and 2 of the planning process. It documents the results of the situational analysis and subsequent goal setting for ECHPP's 14 required interventions and public health strategies currently conducted in the jurisdiction and any of the additional 10 recommended to consider interventions or public health strategies.

The Situational Analysis takes into account the current state of the jurisdiction as a whole. The goals set for each intervention or public health strategy included in the plan have rationales documented in the workbook that are based on the situational analysis as well as the following sources of information (to the extent available):

  1. Local epidemiologic data
  2. Current available resources
  3. Opportunities for leveraging resources across partners and/or funding streams
  4. The results of gap analysis, focusing on gaps that will have a high impact if filled
  5. Priority areas from existing comprehensive plan
  6. Efficacy data
  7. Cost information
  8. Cost-effectiveness data

Workbook 2 [234 KB]

Workbook 2 documents the results of step 3 of the planning process. For each required and recommended intervention, the workbook includes the goals from Workbook 1, specific strategies proposed to reach these goals, and SMART objectives that document measureable progress toward each goal. In addition, this workbook documents the funding sources that will be used to meet each goal as well as the information and data sources that will be used to monitor progress. This also defines the reporting template used for progress reports on these objectives.

National Strategic Goals Tool (Part of Workbook 2)

Included as part of Workbook 2, this tool is designed to document how the elements of the Enhanced Plan are intended to work together to achieve targets set forth in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS). These targets for 2015 are a key component of each jurisdiction's the plan.
