Asthma Control Brochures
You can control your asthma and avoid an attack by taking your medicine exactly as your doctor or other medical professional tells you to do and by avoiding things that can cause an attack. With your doctor’s help, make your own asthma management plan so that you know what to do based on your own symptoms. Here are helpful resources for you:
You Can Control Your Asthma Brochure

You Can Control Your Asthma [PDF - 3.98 MB]
This brochure contains the basic facts about asthma—what it is, its effects, and how it is diagnosed and treated.
Asthma Action Plan
Work with your doctor or other medical professional to use this plan. Write down how to manage your asthma both routinely and during an attack. Look on the back for a list of possible asthma triggers and ways to avoid them.
Asthma and Outdoor Air Pollution [PDF - 499 KB]
This fact sheet provides information for people with asthma on understanding and using outdoor air quality warnings.
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Cleaning Products and Work-Related Asthma [PDF - 201 KB]
Fact sheet from the California Department of Public Health on cleaning products and asthma.

Help Your Child Gain Control Over Asthma
Here is an easy-to-read guide for parents of children with asthma. The guide provides parents and caregivers the information they need to improve their children's quality of life.
Ayude a su niño a controlar el asma
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- Page last reviewed: April 24, 2009
- Page last updated: November 24, 2015
- Content source: